I'm using remote objects for this page.
I'm trying to format the field Invoice_Amount__c to contain commas which will separate the numbers and format the Invoice_Date__c field to mm/dd/yyyy.
I have an image below of what it looks like.
The 2 fields that I want to format are here
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Amount__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Date__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
My entire code is here
j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
var profile = ('{!$Profile.Name}');
j$(document).ready( function () {
var soTable = j$('[id$="salesopstable"]').DataTable({
"paging": false,
"ordering": false,
"info": false,
"bFilter": false,
"oLanguage": {
"sEmptyTable": "There are no requests to approve"
// Use the Remote Object retrieve method to get a list of Invoices
"ajax": function(data, callback, settings) {
var subinv = new SObjectModel.Invoice();
subinv.retrieve({ where: {SalesOps_Change_Requests_Count__c: {gt: 0}}, limit: 100}, function(err, records){
if(err) alert(err.message);
else {
callback({'data': records});
//this field is for hyperlinking to the Subscription
"columnDefs": [{
"targets": 1,
"render": function ( data, type, full, meta ){
return '<a href="/'+full._props.Subscription__c+'" target="_blank">' + full._props.Subscription_Name__c + '</a>';
// Specify our columns. The first column is used to control expanding and collapsing to see changes.
"columns": [
{ "class": 'details-control',
"orderable": false,
"data": null,
"defaultContent": '',
width: "8%" },
{ "data": "_props.Name",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Currency_Code_Name__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Amount__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Date__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.ToEmails__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.CcEmails__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Details__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Invoice_Type__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Client_Firm__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.Client_Firm_ID__c",
"defaultContent": '' },
{ "data": "_props.On_Hold__c",
"defaultContent": '' }
order: [[1, 'asc']],
} );
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
Happy New Year to all!
Louis M.
var formattedDate = new Date("yourUnformattedOriginalDate");, var d = formattedDate.getDate(); var m = formattedDate.getMonth(); m += 1; // JavaScript months are 0-11 var y = formattedDate.getFullYear(); $("#txtDate").val(d + "." + m + "." + y);