i Have only one big controller to do my entire task,in one of vf pages after my process is done,iam showing message in vf as as success if i on click success it has to redirect Account or contact home as respective,process can be applied for for both account and a contact,suppose if Accont process it is complete,it hast to redirect to the Account page,if contact has to redirect to contact home page.not:same controller i have used for all the page
1 Answer
If I understand your question correctly, you've got one controller that might be used on a page that handles Accounts and a page that handles Contacts. If it's on a Contact page, it should redirect to Accounts, if it's on an Account page, it should redirect to Accounts.
There's a number of ways of doing this would be to have two buttons on your Visualforce Pages, rendered depending on the current page it's on:
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!doSomethingAccounty}" rendered="{!isAccount}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!doSomethingContacty}" rendered="{!isContact}" />
You would then need two Booleans that check if the page is an Account record or a Contact record.
public Boolean isAccount {
get {
// Check if it's an Account
public Boolean isContact {
get {
// Check if it's a Contact
How you check for this really depends on your code, if you have access to the Id
parameter you could do something like this:
public Boolean isAccount {
get {
if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id') instanceOf Account)
isAccount = true;
isAccount = false;
return isAccount;
Then, depending on which button is rendered, you can use the methods doSomethingAccounty
or doSomethingContacty
and put in the proper PageReference
You could also use a single button:
<apex:commandButton value="Go" action="{!doSomething}" />
Then do the check for what the current page type is in that method:
public PageReference doSomething() {
if (ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id') instanceOf Account) {
// Return the user to a Contact record
else {
// Return the user to an Account record