I'm having a tricky time thinking about how to implement this problem. My org wants a user, from an account list view, be able to select multiple rows or accounts and change the owner (from a search field preferably).
My thoughts were I have created an example list view button that mass deletes those objects via the onclick javascript.
Is there a way to capture the selected accounts and populate a new visual force page with those selected accounts? From there I am imagining there can be some error control or checking so the user knows which accounts were selected and what actions you are performing.
so workflow: Manager(User) goes to a custom list view, selects an X amount of accounts they would wish to assign to the Rep(User). [simple version being, prompt for a search field of which user they would like to owner to be] This then transistions into a new screen that populates the selected accounts and selecting and performing operations on them.
Update: Thank you @sfdcfox for helping me! This worked great, Here is the code I ended up implementing. I just changed it to a Account list view button.
<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts">
<apex:inputField value="{!Account.OwnerId}" />
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selected}" var="Acct" >
<apex:column value="{!Acct.Name}" />
<apex:column value="{!Acct.OwnerId}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value="Save" />