Hi i am working on lightning super badge challenge.Just now unlocked main challenge.But i am unable to check first step.They are asking to rename standard objects.But i have little bit confusion that is whether they are asking to create objects or rename the available objects.
For reference:
Adventure Package (Opportunity Product object renamed)—vacation, adventure, or excursion associated with a sales opportunity, including the explorer who is taking the adventure and the date of the adventure (use ServiceDate field)
Adventure (Product object renamed)—Different vacation, adventure, or excursions products sold by Relaxation Gauntlet
Explorer (Contact object renamed)—Prospective or existing customer
Case—One of two record types:
Issues reported by a customer Issues reported by an expedition leader
But as per your suggestion i had rename the tab.But it still throws an error
For reference:
Challenge verification
Please let me know where i had missed