I'm receiving a bug from an production enviroment that is totally strange for me. The same query give different results based on the fields present in the query. I give you an example on the query Made:
Select id, LogisticaContatto__c From order where id='801w0000003OaluAAC'
This Query returns 0 results.
While the same query without the custom field returns correctly the record, as expected.
Select id From order where id='801w0000003OaluAAC'
the custom field LogisticaContatto__c
is an formula field that reads some values via lookup. This is happening with only this field.
I'm not understanding what is happening. Do you have any similar experience and a reasonable logic that this should happen?
The logic on the formula field is this
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Inst__r.PersonMobilePhone)),Inst__r.PersonMobilePhone,
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Inst__r.Phone)),Inst__r.Phone,
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Inst__r.PersonHomePhone)),Inst__r.PersonHomePhone,
IF( Account.RecordType.Name ='Business', Account.Phone ,
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Account.PersonMobilePhone)),Account.PersonMobilePhone,
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Account.Phone)),Account.Phone,
IF( NOT( ISBLANK(Account.PersonHomePhone)),Account.PersonHomePhone,