I have a method where It updated the records. When I used the below trigger and try to update from account detail page.it is updating as expected. but when try to update using saveme method , I am getting Too may SOQL errors
Help me in either changing saveme()
or trigger.
public void saveme() {
System.debug('In Save Me Method===');
try {
Account updatedAcc;
List<Account> updatedAccList = new List<Account>();
List<Call_String__c> updatedStringList = new List<Call_String__c>();
for ( Wrapper wrapObj : ListCallplanWrapper ) {
updatedAcc = new Account();
updatedAcc = wrapObj.acc;
if ( wrapObj.acc.Call_Strings__r!= null && !wrapObj.acc.Call_Strings__r.isEmpty() ) {
// updatedAcc = wrapObj.acc;
update updatedStringList;
update updatedAccList;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
System.debug('Exception in Saving records == '+e.getMessage());
Here is my trigger:
trigger UpdateCallString on Call_String__C (after update) {
set<Id> sUserId = new set<Id>();
map<String,Integer> mapNewCallbyother = new map<String,Integer>();
List<Call_String__C> lstCallString = [select id, Account__r.Co_Owner__c, Account__r.Name, Original_CallString__c,Updated_CallString_plist__c from Call_String__C where id IN: trigger.newmap.keyset()];
for ( Call_String__C cl:lstCallString ) {
Call_String__c oldval = Trigger.oldMap.get(cl.Id);
if ( cl.Account__r.Co_Owner__c != null && cl.Account__r.Co_Owner__c != '' ) {
String[] arrOwnerid = cl.Account__r.Co_Owner__c.split(';');
for ( String str: arrOwnerid ) {
if ( str != null && str != '' ) {
if ( cl.Updated_CallString_plist__c!='No Change' && cl.Updated_CallString_plist__c!='' ) {
} else {
List<Account> lstAccount = [Select Total_Calls_Formula__c,called_by_other__c , OwnerId, Co_Owner__c, Name from Account where ownerId IN: sUserId and Name in: mapNewCallbyother.keyset()];
for ( Account acc : lstAccount ) {
String s='%' + acc.name+'%';
String str = acc.Co_Owner__c;
List<String> sArr = str.split(';', 0);
list<account> acclist = [Select name,OwnerId,Territory_Name__c,Total_Calls_Formula__c,(select Updated_CallString_plist__c,Original_CallString__c from Call_Strings__r) from account where ownerid!= :acc.Ownerid and name like :s and OwnerId in :sArr ];
Integer totalothercall = 0;
for ( Account ac : acclist ) {
for(Call_String__c cs: ac.Call_Strings__r){
if(cs.Updated_CallString_plist__c != '' && cs.Updated_CallString_plist__c!='No Change')
totalothercall += integer.valueOf(cs.Updated_CallString_plist__c);
totalothercall += integer.valueOf(cs.Original_CallString__c);
//totalothercall += integer.valueOf(ac.Total_Calls_Formula__c);
acc.called_by_other__c = 0;
acc.called_by_other__c = totalothercall;// + mapNewCallbyother.get(acc.Name);
if(lstAccount.size() > 0){
update lstAccount;