I have written vf page with input date filed. When I change input date the value needs to pass in query and compare with createddate then I want to display matching records in page.
I have done almost but when I am using Createddate >: dat then only records are displaying. When I used Createddate =:dat for that exact date it is not. I found reason for this.because Createddate is the date+time but we are passing date only. As a end user can not pass exact time with date. I want to display records based on user selected date automatically.
<apex:pageBlockSection >
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
Date: <apex:input type="date" value="{!dat}" onChange="pickDate()"/>
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Criteria">
public class DisplayInputDateRecordsCtrl{
public Date dat{get;set;}
public List<Invoice__c> Invoices {get; set;}
public PageReference executeSearch()
Invoices =[select id, createddate,Name, Invoice_Total__c,expirydate__c,(SELECT id, name, Quantity__c, Unit_Price__c FROM Line_Items__r)
from Invoice__c
where createddate >: dat limit 20];
//createddate =: dat --->not displaing records
return null;