So consider a component with an attribute like this:
<apex:attribute name="rentalContract" type="RentalContract__c" assignTo="{!rentalContract}"/>
And this is how my controller looks like:
public with sharing class RentalContractController {
public RentalContract__c rentalContract { get; set; }
As you all may probably know this will not work anymore with API >= 27 because in Spring '13 they introduced Compile-Time Checking for Custom Component Attribute Names which basically means that the name for your attribute cannot be the same name that you assign to.
The release notes further state:
To make this component compile under API version 27.0, change either the attribute name or the assignTo value (which might require you to also change a controller method or property).
So this is all nice and dandy - but how do you really solve it? Because if I do make a custom controller I likely name its main variable after its object. Plus it's similar to standard controllers where you can just use the object name as the variable - so it's very similar to this.
On the other hand - when I do make a component I likely name the variables after the objects they use. Which works fine until I want to wire this up with a controller which is using the same name. And then I end up renaming one or the other - which might or might not work so good in a managed package, plus it can involve a lot of renaming and unnecessary code changes.
So my question is: Is there some kind of pattern, idiom, whatever ... that you've come up with that prevents events like this? I would tend to always name the attribute in the component not exactly after the object because I think that is easier to change - but in what way? Because options like myRentalContract
or theRentalContract
clearly show that this is purely a technical fix plus it isn't really obvious to the developer using it. So imho that is a bad solution to an unnecessary problem.
I've run into this problem so many times that I really want a good solution for this so I don't have to think about naming these things so much - because as you all may remember - naming things is the hardest and it takes a lot of time. In this case it takes way too much time.