I'm actually referencing to a js method defined in my external js file, in my lightning component. But it refuses to recognise my method. Here is my code :
visualforce page :
<apex:page showheader="false" standardstylesheets="false" controller="VFC01_DisplaySimpleLayoutDetails">
<apex:includelightning />
<div id="xi-div-container" />
var wsname = "{!$CurrentPage.parameters.wsname}"; // the webservice to be called
var template = JSON.parse('{!strResult}');
var abbreviations = JSON.parse('{!strAbbreviations}');
var param1 = "{!$CurrentPage.parameters.param1}"; // the parameter to pass to the ws
function() {
{"WSName" : wsname,
"template" : template,
"abbreviations" : abbreviations,
"param1" : param1
function(cmp) {
// do nothing for now, just create the component
My lightning app :
<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp" >
<ltng:require styles="{!$Resource.SLDS202_HV1 + '/assets/styles/salesforce-lightning-design-system.min.css'}"
scripts="{!$Resource.GI_CustomHelpers + '/helper01.js'}" />
<aura:dependency resource="c:LC01_GeneratePlainLayout"/>
My lightning cmp :
<aura:component controller="LC01_WSCaller">
<div class="slds-button__icon xc-icon-bk-right" onclick="toggleSection(this,'x-card-1')"></div>
the toggleSection method is defined in my external js file. And for some reason I need to use the method defined in my js file, because div is generated dynamically, so i cannot , for now, use the controller action or helper methods. when i click on the button, I'm obtaining the following error message :
Uncaught ReferenceError: toggleSection is not defined throws at https://xxxxprooffice--agsdev--c.cs5.visual.force.com/apex/VFP01_Display?tpname=Customer_Detail_Page_Template&wsname=RetrieveCustomerDetails¶m1=0008227:1:1
but if I place the same method in my visualforce page in the script section, it works like a charm :
var wsname = "{!$CurrentPage.parameters.wsname}"; // the webservice to be called
var template = JSON.parse('{!strResult}');
var abbreviations = JSON.parse('{!strAbbreviations}');
var param1 = "{!$CurrentPage.parameters.param1}"; // the parameter to pass to the ws
function() {
{"WSName" : wsname,
"template" : template,
"abbreviations" : abbreviations,
"param1" : param1
function(cmp) {
// do nothing for now, just create the component
function toggleSection(me, divid){
I do not want to place my js methods like this in my visualforce page. I want to be able to load a js file with my methods defined inside. How can i make it work??? Anyone with this problem ??
On chrome (developer mode), when I click on sources, in my helper01.js file, i have the following codes , with strict added :
function $globalEvalIIFE$(){with(arguments[1]||{}){with(arguments[0]||{}){return (function(window){
"use strict";
function hasClass(element, cls) {
function toggleBetweenClasses(me,cls1,cls2){
function toggleSection(me, divid){
}).call(arguments[0], arguments[0])}}}
If I add a method for testing purpose like this :
window.toggleVisibility = function(eid){
alert("element id is :" + eid);
When i click on my button i got the following error :
Uncaught ReferenceError: toggleVisibility is not defined throws at https://......................
What am I doing wrong ?
method from an controller/helper method?:<div onclick="{!c.callToggleSection}"/>
and in your controller.js :callToggleSection: function(cmp,evt,helper){ toggleSection(evt.currentTarget, 'x-card-1'); }