I am using Javascript to get picklist values(dependent or normal picklist).Its working fine.
But the problem is i am getting all the Picklist values for that object. I have to get picklist values based on the record type for that object.
Here follows my Javascript:
<!--Start: This Script is to load dependent picklist values-->
//describe the object we are dealing with. You'll need to change this to whatever object you are working with. Use the API name of the object.'
var describeResults = sforce.connection.describeSObject('NAT_Request__c');
// the object we want picklists from
// function to get the picklist values of a field. Finds all potential options. Simple pass it in a field id. Will return object with data in the values key.
function getPicklistValues(field)
//create return object
var returnObj = new returnObject();
var validField = false;
for(var i = 0; i < describeResults.fields.length; i++)
var fieldList = describeResults.fields[i];
var fieldName = fieldList.name;
if(fieldName.toLowerCase() == field.toLowerCase())
validField = true;
for(var j = 0; j < fieldList.picklistValues.length; j++)
var newValue = new Object();
newValue.label = fieldList.picklistValues[j].label;
newValue.value = fieldList.picklistValues[j].value;
newValue.default = fieldList.picklistValues[j].defaultValue;
newValue.validFor = fieldList.picklistValues[j].validFor;
throw 'Invalid field '+field+' specified for object ' + params.object;
returnObj.message = exception;
returnObj.success = false;
return returnObj;
function getDependentValues(field, value)
var returnObj = new returnObject();
var dependencyCode = new Array();
var getValues = getPicklistValues(field);
throw getValues.message;
var picklistValues = getValues.values;
var getController = getControllerName(field);
throw getController.message;
var controller = getController.values;
// sub function to do the validFor test
function isDependentValue(index, validFor)
var base64 = new sforce.Base64Binary("");
var decoded = base64.decode(validFor);
var bits = decoded.charCodeAt(index>>3);
return ((bits & (0x80 >> (index%8))) != 0);
var controllerFields =getPicklistValues(controller);
for(var item = 0; item < controllerFields.values.length; item++)
if(controllerFields.values[item].value.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase())
for(var i = 0; i < picklistValues.length; i++)
if(isDependentValue(item, picklistValues[i].validFor))
var newValue = new Object();
newValue.label = picklistValues[i].label;
newValue.value = picklistValues[i].value;
newValue.default = picklistValues[i].defaultValue;
newValue.validFor = picklistValues[i].validFor;
newValue.validForName =controllerFields.values[item].value;
returnObj.success = false;
returnObj.message = exception;
return returnObj;
// get the controller field name
function getControllerName(field)
var returnObj = new returnObject();
var isValid = false;
for(var i = 0; i < describeResults.fields.length; i++)
var fieldList = describeResults.fields[i];
var fieldName = fieldList.name;
if(fieldName.toLowerCase() == field.toLowerCase())
if(fieldList.controllerName == undefined)
throw 'Field has no controller';
returnObj.values = fieldList.controllerName;
isValid = true;
throw 'Invalid field '+field+' specified';
returnObj.success = false;
returnObj.message = exception;
return returnObj;
function returnObject()
this.success = true;
this.message = 'Operation Ran Successfully';
this.values = new Array();
function setPickVals(field,optionsArray)
var options = '';
for(var i = 0; i < optionsArray.length; i++)
options += '<option value="'+optionsArray[i].value+'">'+optionsArray[i].label+'</option>';
$(document).ready(function() {
var thisFieldId = $(this).attr('id');
var controller = getControllerName(thisFieldId);
//if this field is a controlled field (has a controller, then find an onchange handler to its parent)
var currValues = getDependentValues(thisFieldId, $('#'+controller.values).val());
var values = getDependentValues(thisFieldId, this.value);
values = getPicklistValues(thisFieldId);
setPickVals('#'+thisFieldId, values.values);
<!--Ends: This Script is to load dependent picklist values-->
Source: Source Javascript code taken for dependent picklist
I have used describelayout
instead of Sobject
, But it is not working.
var describeResults = sforce.connection.describeLayout('NAT_Request__c');
Please help me to solve this problem, Thanks in advance.