Any idea on how to get around this error:
You cannot reassign a recurring task occurrence.
Any idea on how to get around this error:
You cannot reassign a recurring task occurrence.
Using the IsRecurrence field you can know which is the main task that generated the recurrence.
If the strategy applies to your business just clone those tasks with a different owner. Than delete all task which RecurrenceActivityId = taskYouAreClonning. And Last delete the task you just clonned.
Are you working from Apex of via the UI?
From Apex, have a read of Task - Recurring Tasks. If the IsRecurrence field is true on the current Task you can use the RecurrenceActivityId to get the ID of the main record that created the current recurrence. You can then modify this parent record.
From the UI, first use the edit series link in the recurrence to get to the parent record and modify that.