I have a requirement to display an error message when user selects 10 types of cars from the available picklists.

Here, I have created a formula field to display alert message. and implemented a formula as below.

Here, I am facing an error 'Compiled formula is too big to execute'. Please suggest me a way to minimize my formula that could be greatful.

AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Accord'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2001')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Accord'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2002')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Civic'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2001')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Civic'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2002')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Pilot'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2003')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'CR-V'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2002')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Honda'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, 'Odessey'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2002')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Accura'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, '3.2TL'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2002')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Accura'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, '3.2TL'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2003')) ||
AND(ISPICKVAL(Make_manual__c, 'Accura'),ISPICKVAL(Model_manual__c, '3.2CL'),ISPICKVAL(Year_manual__c, '2001'))
  • Here there are 3 fields for each car Model, Make, Year for each one. So here i have added 10 AND conditions with OR combination for each
    – venky
    Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 18:04
  • remove your IF statement, result already will be boolean Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 18:58
  • 1
    Assuming you need this to scale, in would look at vlookup validation rules. You would need a custom object to validate against. I've done this using fields on the custom object (for make,model,and year) and setting the name of the custom object using a workflow rule. Then you can create a formulal field on the object w the val rule, and evaluate this field against the name field on the custom object. This can scale indefinitely.
    – gorav
    Commented Jul 3, 2016 at 22:33
  • you can use CASE statement for efficiency and to reduce length. Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 1:57

1 Answer 1


You can unite fields by they frequency:

  • Great thanks!!The above logic works good. Here, i need to add some more conditions. When i have added other conditions, still facing this error (too big to execute). Is there a way to achieve this or any other way to get the requirement done.
    – venky
    Commented Jul 4, 2016 at 10:40

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