I have a Custom Object that contains a long text area with 32.000 chars full of comma-separated Ids. I need to find all such records that contain one or more ids.
I tried to implement this in this test:
private static void soslWorksAsExpected() {
// Setup
List<Id> ids = insertOppsWithAmountZeroAndReturnIds(10);
SObjectWork__c pendingWork = new SObjectWork__c(
ltxt_SObjectIds__c = '' + ids.get(2) + ',' + ids.get(7),
txt_ProcessorClassName__c = 'SObjectWorkTestHelper.ExampleSObjectProcessor',
pkl_CurrentState__c = 'QUEUED');
insert pendingWork;
List<Id> pendingWorkIds = new List<Id>{pendingWork.Id};
System.debug('# pendingWorkIds' + pendingWorkIds);
// Execute
String orPhrase = String.join(pendingWorkIds, ' OR ');
System.debug('# orPhrase' + orPhrase);
List<SObject> soqlResults = [SELECT Id, ltxt_SObjectIds__c FROM SObjectWork__c WHERE pkl_CurrentState__c = 'QUEUED'];
System.debug('# soqlResults' + soqlResults);
List<List<SObjectWork__c>> soslResults = [FIND :orPhrase IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING SObjectWork__c(Id, ltxt_SObjectIds__c)];
System.debug('# soslResults' + soslResults);
// Verify
System.assert( !soslResults.isEmpty() );
System.assert( !soslResults.get(0).isEmpty() );
but it always fails. As I can see from the debug statements everything works. Except the
does not change anything.
What am I doing wrong?
I checked if I can search for this record type in the Search and it worked.