I have two account tables (well, one input table, and one list table). I am trying to add/edit accounts, with the following behaviour:
- Clicking "Add Account" both the Account input area, and the Account List are re-rendered (not the page).
- Clicking "Save" only saves the changes to the Accounts List (not the Account entry).
- I need to be able to remove the entries on the table by selecting the Remove link
Currently there is no re-rendering, and i'm not sure how to remove the account entries...
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks, Mike
This has been rectified, although I can only enter one account, selecting the add button after this does not add another account.
Issue solved, form fields were in the wrong place.
Works great, thanks @ratan...
Have updated code
The VF:
<apex:page docType="html-5.0" controller="addAccountModalController">
<c:overlay />
<apex:form id="inputForm">
<td><apex:inputField id="accountName" styleClass="form-control" value="{!addAccount.name}" required="true" html-placeholder="Account Name"/></td>
<td><apex:inputField id="primaryEmail" type="email" styleClass="form-control" value="{!addAccount.Primary_Email__c}" html-placeholder="Email Address"/></td>
<apex:commandButton reRender="accountsList,inputForm" onclick="addAccount();" status="overlayStatus" value="Add Account" title="Add Account"/>
<apex:actionFunction name="addAccount" action="{!addAccount}" reRender="accountsList"/>
<apex:form >
<apex:outputPanel id="accountsList">
<table id="accountsTable">
<td>Primary Email</td>
<apex:repeat value="{!allAccounts}" var="acc">
<td><apex:inputField value="{!acc.name}" styleClass="form-control"/></td>
<td><apex:inputField value="{!acc.Primary_Email__c}" styleClass="form-control"/></td>
<apex:commandlink action="{!delAccount}" value="Remove" rerender="accountsList" status="overlayStatus" >
<apex:param name="accId" value="{!acc.Id}" assignTo="{!selectedAccId}" />
<apex:commandButton action="{!save}" rerender="accountsList" status="overlay" value="Save"/>
The Class:
public class addAccountModalController {
public Account addAccount {get;set;}
public Id selectedAccId {get;set;}
public List <Account> allAccounts {get;set;}
Public addAccountModalController(){
addAccount = new account(
//recordType.id = '01290000001GbSj',
//recordType.Name = 'Entity'
allAccounts = [SELECT id,Name,Primary_Email__c,recordType.id,recordType.Name,createdDate FROM Account ORDER by createdDate DESC LIMIT 5];
public PageReference addAccount() {
try {
allAccounts = [SELECT id,Name,Primary_Email__c,recordType.id,recordType.Name,createdDate FROM Account ORDER by createdDate DESC LIMIT 5];
} catch(System.Exception e) {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Error creating Account.'));
return null;
public PageReference save() {
try {
update allAccounts;
allAccounts = [SELECT id,Name,Primary_Email__c,recordType.id,recordType.Name,createdDate FROM Account ORDER by createdDate DESC LIMIT 5];
} catch(System.Exception e) {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Error creating record.'));
return null;
public pageReference delAccount() {
try {
delete new Account(Id = selectedAccId);
allAccounts = [SELECT id,Name,Primary_Email__c,recordType.id,recordType.Name,createdDate FROM Account ORDER by createdDate DESC LIMIT 5];
} catch(System.Exception e) {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Error creating record.'));
return null;