I a div popup where there is an input field

            <apex:inputfield id="CommentDate" value="{!AModel.dateTimeofComment}"/> 
            <apex:commandButton action="{!AModel.saveComment}" value="Save" id="saveButton"/>         
            <input type="submit" value="Cancel" class="btn" onclick="window.reload(); return false;" />

Here what I want is to pass the value of dateTimeofComment to the controller on savebutton click, without binding the value to any object. I tried using a getter setter global valiable, but that is not working either. Any help would be appreciated.


1 Answer 1


From your Visualforce, you appear to have a class (referenced via the property AModel) that has all the necessary plumbing. You just need to use the dateTimeofComment value in the saveComment method:

public DateTime dateTimeofComment {get; set;}

public PageReference saveComment() {
    // You can just use the dateTimeofComment value in here as it will be automatically
    // populated from the input field by Visualforce's bi-directional data binding

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