I am trying to bulkify a trigger to match transactions with contacts by email address. There are many contacts with duplicate email addresses and getting rid of these duplicates is not an option. I am trying to write a SOQL query that returns only the most recently modified contact record for each email address in a set.

So far the only thing I've come up with is this monstrosity:

Set<String> emails = new Set<String>();

emails.add('[email protected]');
emails.add('[email protected]');

List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Email, Id, LastModifiedDate FROM Contact WHERE Email IN :emails];
List<AggregateResult> agg = [SELECT Email, MAX(LastModifiedDate) FROM Contact WHERE Email IN :emails GROUP BY Email];

Map<String, DateTime> aggMap = new Map<String, DateTime>();

for (AggregateResult res : agg){

List<Contact> keep = new List<Contact>();

for (Contact c : contacts){    
    if(c.LastModifiedDate == aggMap.get(c.Email)){

This gets me the desired result, but it seems extremely inefficient. Is there some way to achieve this same result with a single query?

1 Answer 1


Done in one query and one for loop:

Set<String> emails = new Set<String>();

emails.add('[email protected]');
emails.add('[email protected]');

Map<String,Contact> lastModifiedByEmail = new Map<String,Contact>();

for(Contact c : [SELECT Id, Email, LastModifiedDate FROM Contact WHERE Email IN :emails]){
    if(lastModifiedByEmail.get(c.Email) == null || lastModifiedByEmail.get(c.Email).LastModifiedDate < c.LastModifiedDate){


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