I'm absolutly new to apex, started learning a few days ago and currently trying to set up a trigger, that updates a Lead, that is related via a look-up with my custom object. However, I'm failing at almost everything right now (even the tests ...)
I really hope you can hint me to what I'm doing wrong. I don't ask for you to code for me.
So here's my situation: MyCustomObject__c has a Lookup-Relationship AttachedLeadId__c with the Standard-Lead-Object. The Lead has a custom Checkbox "HasCustomObject__c".
My Trigger is on "after update" of MyCustomObject__c and should tick the checkbox to true, if a Lead is in the lookup (and vice versa, tick it to false, if the relationship is deleted). As far as I am concerned (and please, correct me if I am wrong), this isn't possible via workflowrules or the process designer, because a Lead can have multiple CustomObjects in his related list, and the Trigger should only untick the Checkbox, if the lead has exactly zero related CustomObjects.
I already figured out, that AttachedLeadId__r isn't available in my Trigger, so here's my code:
trigger UpdateRelatedCORecords on MyCustomObject__c (after update) {
Map<Id, Lead> newLeads = new Map<Id, Lead>();
Map<Id, Lead> oldLeads = new Map<Id, Lead>();
for ( MyCustomObject__c po : Trigger.new ) {
if ( po.AttachedLeadId__c != Trigger.oldMap.get(po.Id).AttachedLeadId__c ) {
// add ids of new leads to update-list
if ( po.AttachedLeadId__c != NULL ) {
newLeads.put(po.AttachedLeadId__c, NULL);
// add ids of old leads to update-list
if ( Trigger.oldMap.get(po.Id).AttachedLeadId__c != NULL) {
oldLeads.put(po.AttachedLeadId__c, NULL);
// update new Leads in bulk
newLeads.putAll([SELECT ID, hasCustomObject__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :newLeads.keySet()]);
for ( Lead l : newLeads.values() ) {
l.hasCustomObject__c = true;
update newLeads.values();
// update new Leads in bulk
oldLeads.putAll([SELECT ID, hasCustomObject__c FROM Lead WHERE Id IN :oldLeads.keySet()]);
for ( Lead l : oldLeads.values() ) {
l.hasCustomObject__c = false;
update oldLeads.values();
So, what's most devastating: When I manually relate a Lead with my CustomObject, the flag is set correctly. However, if I run the code anonymously (or in my tests), the checkbox-update doesn't work.
Can anyone spot the issue here? Please?
Anonymous code, that fails:
MyCustomObject__c testOrga = new MyCustomObject__c (Name='[email protected]', id__c='95', organization__c='Testaccount');
Lead testLeadOne = new Lead(LastName='sLastName1', Company = 'Testcompany');
insert testOrga;
insert testLeadOne;
testOrga.AttachedLeadId__c = testLeadOne.Id;
update testOrga;
MyCustomObject__c testOrga = new MyCustomObject__c(Name='[email protected]', id__c='95', organization__c='Testaccount'); Lead testLeadOne = new Lead(LastName='sLastName1', Company = 'Testcompany'); insert testOrga; insert testLeadOne; testOrga.AttachedLeadId__c = testLeadOne.Id; update testOrga; System.debug(testOrga.AttachedLeadId__c); System.debug(testLeadOne.IsOrganizer__c);
I'm sorry, I don't know how to format these lines.System.assertEquals(true, testLeadOne.IsOrganizer__c);
won't work either? Instead, I have to go with:Lead updatedLead = [SELECT hasCustomObject__c FROM Lead WHERE Id = :testLeadOne.Id] and assert on updatedLead like this?
System.assertEquals(true, updatedLead.hasCustomObject__c);`