I came across a strange issue. My actionFunction is not working in Firefox. But it is working smoothly in IE n Google Chrome.

VF code:

                 <apex:outputPanel layout="block" id="uploadblockid" styleClass="uploadfile_row">
                  <div class="choosefile_part"><apex:inputFile id="inputFileId" fileName="{!strAttachName}" title="Task Attachmnet"  value="{!taskAttachmentBlob}" /></div> 
                  <div class="uploadbtnfile_part">
                      <apex:actionRegion >
                        <apex:commandButton id="uploadfile" value="Upload" onclick="if (!checkSize()) {return false;} else{ disableButton(this);  } " styleClass="upload_btn">
                        <apex:actionFunction name="SubmitUploadOnClick" id="SubmitUploadOnClick" action="{!upload}" /> 

JS snippet:

    function checkSize()
        var length = j$("[id$='inputFileId']")[0].files.length;

            alert('Please select an attachment to upload.');    
            return false;       
            var size = j$("[id$='inputFileId']")[0].files[0].size;

                return true;
                alert('Your attachment was not uploaded as attachment upto 10 MB is allowed.');
                return false;


    function disableButton(ButtonObj)
        alert('disabling button');
        alert('callling controller...');

Apex Controller snippet:

public void upload() {
        System.debug('in upload..!');

I am not getting, that debug statement in debug logs. Did anyone come across this issue?

  • Do you see any JS error in firebug? Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 11:34
  • nope. there is no bug in console.
    – Ysr Shk
    Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 11:35
  • are you getting the alert 'callling controller...'??
    – ipradhansk
    Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 13:10
  • yes. but the system.debug statement is not getting
    – Ysr Shk
    Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 13:11
  • 3
    You have an actionFunction within a commandButton - Move the actionFunction elsewhere on the form and try having the commandButton's else invoke a JS function that does (1) disableButton() and (2) invokes SubmitUploadOnClick()
    – cropredy
    Commented Mar 6, 2016 at 8:17

2 Answers 2


Your apex:commandButton has no action, which means it's not doing anything different than a normal HTML button.

Try this instead of the apex:commandButton :

<input type="button" id="uploadfile" value="Upload" onclick="if (!checkSize()) {return false;} else{ disableButton(this);  } " styleClass="upload_btn">

Also, there's no need for the apex:actionFunction to be nested inside the button element.


Actually, just return false from your apex:commandButton's onclick.

<apex:commandButton id="uploadfile" value="Upload" onclick="if (!checkSize()) {return false;} else{ disableButton(this); return false;  } " styleClass="upload_btn">

See Calling apex:actionFunction on apex:commandButton's onclick event for more info.


Change this line -

<apex:actionFunction name="SubmitUploadOnClick" id="SubmitUploadOnClick" action="{!upload}" />


<apex:actionFunction name="SubmitUploadOnClick" id="SubmitUploadOnClick" action="{!upload}" rerender="uploadblockid"/>

Let me know if it works. Thanks

  • Thanks for a try. But still I am getting same problem.
    – Ysr Shk
    Commented Mar 3, 2016 at 12:00

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