Opportunity Opp = [SELECT Name, Status__c, Zone__c, Invoice__r.Amount__c, Invoice__r.Date__c FROM Opportunity WHERE ID ='006a12nlfoenlew'];
I need to iterate over each field and see if the values are not null. If I want to check only Opportunity fields, I would do this:
Set<String> strFields = new Set<String>{'Name','Status__c','Zone__c'};
for(String s: strFields ){
//This prints the value of each field(included in the set) for the current Opportunity.
But, I need to get the values in lookup objects also. If I repeat the same,
Set<String> strFields = new Set<String>{'Invoice__r.Amount__c', 'Invoice__r.Date__c'};
for(String s: strFields ){
//This would throw "System.SObjectException: Invalid field Invoice__r.Amount__c for Opportunity" error.
Update: Even though the example I've give is very simple, In the code I'm working on, I've around 40 fields across 5 different look ups, ranging from 3-5 level deep relationships (Ex: Invoice__r.Task__r.Account.Contact.FirstName). I'm querying Opportunity(the base object) and I need to make sure the FirstName on contact is not null.
Is there a way I can iterate over, and get value in each field including lookup fields that are being queried?