I am trying to integrate Office 365 (trial Edition) onedrive with salesforce using files connect.And it is giving me "An unknown error occurred while accessing Files Connect".
here is what I am trying:
- Creating permission set to enable Files connect cloud. Assigning it to the user.
Creating temp Auth. provider in SF.
Creating an App,Generating Consumer client and Secret in Office 365
Updating consumer clent Id and Secret in Auth. provider in SF.
Updating app to grant CRED permissions for files in Office 365.
Creating external data source followed by "Validate and Sync" Click.
updating permission set to allow external data source access.
After these steps, I go to Files tab. I see the link to One Drive. I go ahead and click the link, follow the step for first time authentication.
Authentication Successfull. I Go head and click the onedrive link again to access my files but it errors out.
I have no clue where I am missing. But here are my assumptions.
- Authentication was not proper.
- Site Url is not proper in external object:
if Below is my URL to site content, https://[company-name]/personal/[palceholder]/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?AjaxDelta=1 then https://[company-name]/personal/[palceholder] is my site URL value in External data soure.
- trial org does not allow integration.
I did try creating a tab for my external object and I could find records with link to my files and folders.