We have a custom object calls Account Contact Roles that assigns role to contact within an account. Once the record is inserted, there is a WF rule to update a field on the contact record calls "Roles__c" with following formula:
IF ( INCLUDES ( Roles__c , "Primary Contact" ), "Primary Contact: ",null ) &
IF ( INCLUDES ( Roles__c , "Key Contact" ), "Key Contact: ",null ) &
IF ( INCLUDES ( Roles__c , "Billing Contact" ), "Billing Contact: ",null ) &
IF ( INCLUDES ( Roles__c , "Sponsor Contact" ), "Sponsor Contact: ",null )
What we want to do is the clear out the field value when the Account Contact Roles record is deleted. The Apex code works in the Sandbox environment but need to test it before deploying. The test code is below:
public class EmptyContactRole
static testMethod void validateEmptyContactRole()
//insert records
Account a1 = new Account(name = 'test1', Account_Type__c='non-Member', Industry='Banking');
insert a1;
Contact c1 = new Contact(lastname = 'test', Nickname__c='test');
insert c1;
Account_Contact_Role__c R = new Account_Contact_Role__c (Account__c= a1.id, Contact__c = c1.id, Roles__c = 'Primary Contact')
//Insert insert R
c1 = [SELECT Id, Roles__c FROM Contact WHERE Id=:c1.Id];
System.assertEquals ('Primary Contact:',c1.Roles__c);
//Delete Account Contact Role delete R
delete R;
c1 = [SELECT Id, Roles__c FROM Contact WHERE Id=:c1.Id];
System.assertEquals ('',c1.Roles__c);
Error Message System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: Primary Contact:, Actual: null Stack Trace Class.EmptyContactRole.validateEmptyContactRole: line 15, column 1
Thanks for the help!