For sites, there's a standard visualforce exception page.
We use a header on the site that will present either Welcome, username
...based on login status. Whenever a user finds a new, clever way to get an unhandled exception, the error page ALWAYS appears in guest user mode.
Not only did they get an error page (bad enough) but they also think that we just logged them out. They try to log in and see another error page (because they tried to log in while they're already logged in).
How do I allow the exception page to present itself to authenticated users and stay on the secure domain? The page is available to both the guest and authenticated user profile.
For clarity (asked below) it's not the styling that is going bad. It's that the exception page always thinks rendered="{!ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}" is true.
For clarification, we're using authenticated sites with a custom domain.