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component.set('v.AssetsType'AssetsList', {'TypeLabel': 'Asset Type', 'TypeValue': '','TypeId': 'AssetType1', 
                               'AmountLabel': 'Asset Amount', 'AmountValue': '', 'AmountId': 'AssetAmount1'});
    var AssetList =AssetList= cmp.get('v.AssetsType'AssetsList');
    var FactfindId = cmp.get('v.ffRecord.Id');
    var inputAssetListinputAssetListAction = cmp.get("c.inputAssetList");

        "AssetList": AssetList,
        "FactfindId": FactfindId

    inputAssetListinputAssetListAction.setCallback(this, function (response) {
        //store state of response
        var state = response.getState();
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            if (response.getReturnValue() != null) {
                // if getting any error while update the records , then display a alert msg/
                alert('The following error has occurred. while updating record-->' + response.getReturnValue());
            } else {
                console.log('check it--> update successful');
public static void inputAssetList(list<String> AssestListAssetList, string FactfindId) {
    FactfindMultiples__c[] Assets = new List<FactfindMultiples__c>();
    for(Integer i=1;i<AssestListi=1;i<AssetList.size();i++)
        FactfindMultiples__c Asset = new FactfindMultiples__c(Name='Asset' + i, 
                                                              AssetType__c= AssestList[i]AssetList[i].TypeValue);

I've tried syntax like AssestList[i]AssetList[i].TypeValue but this returns errors.

component.set('v.AssetsType', {'TypeLabel': 'Asset Type', 'TypeValue': '','TypeId': 'AssetType1', 
                               'AmountLabel': 'Asset Amount', 'AmountValue': '', 'AmountId': 'AssetAmount1'});
    var AssetList = cmp.get('v.AssetsType');
    var FactfindId = cmp.get('v.ffRecord.Id');
    var inputAssetList = cmp.get("c.inputAssetList");

        "AssetList": AssetList,
        "FactfindId": FactfindId

    inputAssetList.setCallback(this, function (response) {
        //store state of response
        var state = response.getState();
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            if (response.getReturnValue() != null) {
                // if getting any error while update the records , then display a alert msg/
                alert('The following error has occurred. while updating record-->' + response.getReturnValue());
            } else {
                console.log('check it--> update successful');
public static void inputAssetList(list<String> AssestList, string FactfindId) {
    FactfindMultiples__c[] Assets = new List<FactfindMultiples__c>();
    for(Integer i=1;i<AssestList.size();i++)
        FactfindMultiples__c Asset = new FactfindMultiples__c(Name='Asset' + i, 
                                                              AssetType__c= AssestList[i].TypeValue);

I've tried syntax like AssestList[i].TypeValue but this returns errors.

component.set('v.AssetsList', {'TypeLabel': 'Asset Type', 'TypeValue': '','TypeId': 'AssetType1', 
                               'AmountLabel': 'Asset Amount', 'AmountValue': '', 'AmountId': 'AssetAmount1'});
    var AssetList= cmp.get('v.AssetsList');
    var FactfindId = cmp.get('v.ffRecord.Id');
    var inputAssetListAction = cmp.get("c.inputAssetList");

        "AssetList": AssetList,
        "FactfindId": FactfindId

    inputAssetListAction.setCallback(this, function (response) {
        //store state of response
        var state = response.getState();
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            if (response.getReturnValue() != null) {
                // if getting any error while update the records , then display a alert msg/
                alert('The following error has occurred. while updating record-->' + response.getReturnValue());
            } else {
                console.log('check it--> update successful');
public static void inputAssetList(list<String> AssetList, string FactfindId) {
    FactfindMultiples__c[] Assets = new List<FactfindMultiples__c>();
    for(Integer i=1;i<AssetList.size();i++)
        FactfindMultiples__c Asset = new FactfindMultiples__c(Name='Asset' + i, 
                                                              AssetType__c= AssetList[i].TypeValue);

I've tried syntax like AssetList[i].TypeValue but this returns errors.

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Passing List into Apex - Want to insert individual attributes from list

I'm having some difficulty with lists and apex.

I have a list declared in my lightning component, please see below:

<aura:attribute name="AssetsList" type="List" default="[]"/>

I then set some attributes in the controller upon intialisation. I have two input fields in the component, the first 3 attributes apply to one input and the last 3 apply to the other. Please see this below:

component.set('v.AssetsType', {'TypeLabel': 'Asset Type', 'TypeValue': '','TypeId': 'AssetType1', 
                               'AmountLabel': 'Asset Amount', 'AmountValue': '', 'AmountId': 'AssetAmount1'});

I have a save button in the component and when it is clicked it will run a method in the controller where I pass the list to the apex as a parameter.

    var AssetList = cmp.get('v.AssetsType');
    var FactfindId = cmp.get('v.ffRecord.Id');
    var inputAssetList = cmp.get("c.inputAssetList");

        "AssetList": AssetList,
        "FactfindId": FactfindId

    inputAssetList.setCallback(this, function (response) {
        //store state of response
        var state = response.getState();
        if (state === "SUCCESS") {
            if (response.getReturnValue() != null) {
                // if getting any error while update the records , then display a alert msg/
                alert('The following error has occurred. while updating record-->' + response.getReturnValue());
            } else {
                console.log('check it--> update successful');

Once this parameter is in the apex, I'm then trying to insert a record to a custom object. I currently have this code.

public static void inputAssetList(list<String> AssestList, string FactfindId) {
    FactfindMultiples__c[] Assets = new List<FactfindMultiples__c>();
    for(Integer i=1;i<AssestList.size();i++)
        FactfindMultiples__c Asset = new FactfindMultiples__c(Name='Asset' + i, 
                                                              AssetType__c= AssestList[i].TypeValue);

I'm going through the Asset List and trying to push it into a new record for my custom object. Once this is done, I'll then add to a list of the new custom object which I'll insert.

The issue I'm having is for when I'm setting the AssetType__c custom field, I don't want to push every attribute for each part of the array. I just want to use the TypeValue attribute that I set in the list upon initialisation.

I've tried syntax like AssestList[i].TypeValue but this returns errors.

Any help would be massively appreciated.

Thank you,
