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Mark Pond
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I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

I checked the logs and I see that getUrl method is not at all executing like before. It used to work but all in a sudden it is now working and unable to open the iFrame below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe

{ public Quote_Iframe(){ } String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId]; public String url {get; set;}

public Quote_Iframe(){ } 
    String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
    Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId];
    public String url {get; set;}

    public String getUrl()
        if(qId != null && qId !='')
            url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
            system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
         return url;
    public pagereference back()
        return new pageReference('/'+qId);
    public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

I checked the logs and I see that getUrl method is not at all executing like before. It used to work but all in a sudden it is now working and unable to open the iFrame below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe

{ public Quote_Iframe(){ } String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId]; public String url {get; set;}

public String getUrl()
    if(qId != null && qId !='')
        url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
        system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
     return url;
public pagereference back()
    return new pageReference('/'+qId);
public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

I checked the logs and I see that getUrl method is not at all executing like before. It used to work but all in a sudden it is now working and unable to open the iFrame below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe
public Quote_Iframe(){ } 
    String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id');
    Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId];
    public String url {get; set;}

    public String getUrl()
        if(qId != null && qId !='')
            url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
            system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
         return url;
    public pagereference back()
        return new pageReference('/'+qId);
    public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

added 76 characters in body; edited title
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sfdcsession :: updateexpires error getting blank screen while opening iFrame in salesforce VF page

I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

If I seechecked the logs, and I am not seeing the methodsee that (getUrl) is being called/executedgetUrl method is not at all executing like before. It used to work but all in a sudden it is now working and unable to open the first place.iFrame below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe

{ public Quote_Iframe(){ } String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId]; public String url {get; set;}

public String getUrl()
    if(qId != null && qId !='')
        url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
        system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
     return url;
public pagereference back()
    return new pageReference('/'+qId);
public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

sfdcsession :: updateexpires error while opening iFrame

I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

If I see the logs, I am not seeing the method (getUrl) is being called/executed in the first place. below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe

{ public Quote_Iframe(){ } String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId]; public String url {get; set;}

public String getUrl()
    if(qId != null && qId !='')
        url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
        system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
     return url;
public pagereference back()
    return new pageReference('/'+qId);
public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

getting blank screen while opening iFrame in salesforce VF page

I am facing an issue while opening a webpage in salesforce iFrame. I was able to do that till yesterday, but now I am getting below error. enter image description here

QuoteToEsign is the visualforce page where I am opening using below code

<center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center> 
  <apex:iframe src="{!Url}" scrolling="true"/> 
 <center><apex:commandButton value="Back to Quotes" action="{!back}"/></center>


Url is the parameter which I am returning from Controller as a String which holds the URL. Please let me know how to fix this issue.

I checked the logs and I see that getUrl method is not at all executing like before. It used to work but all in a sudden it is now working and unable to open the iFrame below is the controller.

public with sharing class Quote_Iframe

{ public Quote_Iframe(){ } String qId= System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('id'); Quote quote = [select id,blusyn__eSign_Url__c,blusyn__eSignId__c from Quote where id=:qId]; public String url {get; set;}

public String getUrl()
    if(qId != null && qId !='')
        url = quote.blusyn__eSign_Url__c;
        system.debug('iFrame URL is :: '+url);
     return url;
public pagereference back()
    return new pageReference('/'+qId);
public Quote_Iframe(ApexPages.StandardController controller)

I am not getting any idea why I am not getting iFrame anymore. Java team saying that there are no issues from their end. but Please check above snippet and for more errors. Thank you.

edited title
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{"cmd":"sfdcsession::updateexpires","id" sfdcsession :0,"msgtype":"SfdcSession"} updateexpires error while opening iFrame

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