I'm trying to call a simple function in my Apex Controller and want to use an actionRegion to stop most sections of the page re-rendering. I note though when I add the actionRegion the controller function does not get called. I'm sure I've come across a similar issue years ago but can't find the exact same scenario detailed anywhere.
Basically here is a simple example. As you can see i've tried but commandButton and commandLink. I was trying to assign a parameter also but noted that the function is not even being called. It does call it if I don't use the actionRegion.
<apex:commandButton rerender="testRerender" value="Select Instances"
<apex:commandButton rerender="testRerender" value="Select Instances" action="{!nullPageReference}" styleClass="slds-button">
action="{!nullPageReference}" styleClass="slds-button">
<apex:param name="editMode" value="EDIT" assignTo="{!viewMode}"/>
<apex:commandLink action="{!nullPageReference}" reRender="testRerender" value="SelectorS">
<!--<apex:param name="editMode" value="EDIT" assignTo="{!viewMode}"/>-->
public PageReference nullPageReference() {
</apex:actionRegion>return null;
public PageReference nullPageReference() { System.debug('HelloCalledFunc'); return null; }
Does anyone know why this does not work and if so how I can workaround it to call the function while in an actionRegion.
Thanks in advance.