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In SalesForce when I look at Setup > Users > Public Groups > Group_Name > View all users I can see this column:

enter image description here How can I restrict or exclude members who are in the group because they are the manager of a member?

How can I restrict or exclude members who are in the group because they are the manager of a member?


In SalesForce when I look at Setup > Users > Public Groups > Group_Name > View all users I can see this column:

enter image description here How can I restrict or exclude members who are in the group because they are the manager of a member?

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get all members of public group EXCEPT where they are managers if a member

I am using the below code to get the members of a public group, plus all the indirect members (either members of a child group, or associated by their role membership)

public class GetAllGroupMembers {

    public static Set<id> GetUserIdsFromGroup(Id groupId)
    // store the results in a set so we don't get duplicates
    Set<Id> result=new Set<Id>();
    String userType = Schema.SObjectType.User.getKeyPrefix();
    String groupType = Schema.SObjectType.Group.getKeyPrefix();
    // Loop through all group members in a group
    for (GroupMember m : [Select Id, UserOrGroupId From GroupMember Where GroupId = :groupId])
        // If the user or group id is a user
        if (((String)m.UserOrGroupId).startsWith(userType))
            system.debug('its a user:');
        // If the user or group id is a group
        // Note: there may be a problem with governor limits if this is called too many times
        else if (((String)m.UserOrGroupId).startsWith(groupType))
            system.debug('its a Group:');
            // Call this function again but pass in the group found within this group
        return result; 
    public static Set<id> GetUserIdsFromGroupWithProxies(Set<Id> groupIds){
        system.debug('GetUserIdsFromGroupWithProxies: ');            
        // store the results in a set so we don't get duplicates
        Set<Id> result=new Set<Id>();
        String userType = Schema.SObjectType.User.getKeyPrefix();
        String groupType = Schema.SObjectType.Group.getKeyPrefix();
        Set<Id> groupIdProxys = new Set<Id>();
        // Loop through all group members in a group
        for(GroupMember m : [Select Id, UserOrGroupId From GroupMember Where GroupId in :groupIds]){
            // If the user or group id is a user
                system.debug('Group Member ' + string.valueOf(m.UserOrGroupId) + ' is a user');
            // If the user or group id is a group
            // Note: there may be a problem with governor limits if this is called too many times
            else if (((String)m.UserOrGroupId).startsWith(groupType)){
                system.debug('Group Member ' + string.valueOf(m.UserOrGroupId) + ' is a group');
                // Call this function again but pass in the group found within this group
        if(groupIdProxys.size() > 0){
            system.debug('adding ' + groupIdProxys.size() + ' proxies');
        return result;  

The problem I am facing is that we specifically want to exclude those users who are members because they are the manager of a member...

How can I restrict or exclude members who are in the group because they are the manager of a member?