Hello and welcome to my profile! This profile is not associated with my work profile in any way, and nothing I say or do here represents the views, beliefs, or opinions of the company I work for.
If you have < 1k rep and think you have a great answer (or great question with no answers), give me the link and I'll put a bounty on it.
All code I write here is published under the DWTFYWWI License, the full
text of which is "Do whatever the f**k you want with it".
1 like = 1 prayer 1 upvote = 1 thanks
236th awardee of the Legendary badge.
Thanks, Stack Overflow! I love the shirt :-)
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
(Actively Maintained) Pandas Canonicals
The full list is on GitHub.
Other Posts I'm Proud Of
In addition to this, some of my answers that use perfplot
are worth a read.
If you've ever asked a question here, please consider reading this.