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7 votes

Salesforce Sandbox as a backup

The sandbox gets the configuration of the Production environment from the time the sandbox is created as it takes a snapshot of the Metadata at that time. The refresh does not lock the production org. ...
Dave Humm's user avatar
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How to automate data import on full sandbox refresh

If you're willing to take the time, the SandboxPostCopy interface lets you write code that's called once upon refresh. You could write a bunch of code to populate records. If you're planning on moving ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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7 votes

Custom Metadata records Sandbox refresh

Yes. All metadata is copied. Refresh Your Sandbox Refreshing a sandbox updates the sandbox’s metadata from its source org. If the sandbox is a clone or if it uses a sandbox template, the refresh ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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7 votes

What exactly does refreshing sandbox do?

During a refresh, what happens is that Salesforce creates a brand new org that contains all of the objects, fields, page layouts, record types, users, and so on that the source org has so that it is ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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7 votes

Apex callout to same org in SandboxPostCopy

There's no way you're going to get this working with SandboxPostCopy. Instead, you'd want to write a batch/shell script, or a Visualforce page that an administrator would need to run once the new org ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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6 votes

SandboxPostCopy Functional Failure

[Edit] My solution below stopped working after a bit. We switched to having a "Template" sandbox: After each release, a lead developer refreshes the template sandbox; then they run all relevant ...
Kimball Robinson's user avatar
6 votes

Sandbox verification emails

Have a look at the SandboxPostCopy Interface. It should be possible to have Apex run after the Sandbox is created and then modify the specific User records email address fields.
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
5 votes

Are Scheduled Jobs copied after Sandbox Refresh?

They should all be there. I had to open a ticket with Salesforce recently because a glitch during a full copy sandbox refresh meant that it was refreshed without all of the Scheduled Jobs listed on ...
Jeff Bennett's user avatar
5 votes

Any good solutions to disable remote site settings after Sandbox refresh?

Realistically, no, you can't. SandboxPostCopy doesn't even get a legitimate session Id, so the apex-mdapi wrapper is out, along with pretty much any other technique you might dream up. The solution, ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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5 votes

Can I connect to a sandbox using JWT Flow and Prod connect app?

You can use the Connected App from your production org, but to avoid the user hasn't approved this consumer error, I've found that you need to authenticate using the password and the Connected App's ...
xn.'s user avatar
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Would Refreshing a Sandbox Wipe Out Certain Metadata?

Yes. All of the customizations in your sandbox will be lost: When you’re finished with a sandbox, you can refresh it. This process replaces the current sandbox with a new copy of your production ...
David Reed's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I connect to a sandbox using JWT Flow and Prod connect app?

I assume you are trying to JWT into a developer sandbox just refreshed or created from production. If so, I had the same exact problem. I was trying to login with the same --clientid and --jwtkeyfile ...
Michael Paler's user avatar
4 votes

Hardcoded org ID in workflow rule changed on sandbox refresh?

Yes, this is intentional, and yes, this is documented. Sandbox and production orgs always have unique org IDs. The sandbox copy engine creates an org as part of each creation and refresh request. So, ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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can I update platform version on new sandbox

please read dedicated article about it Sandbox Preview Instructions for the Salesforce Spring '19 Release. According to its image you can't update sandbox API version manually. You have to wait for ...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
4 votes

Obtaining sandbox refresh date

If you are in the sandbox itself, you can try using this query: SELECT LastModifiedDate FROM Organization but that's assuming you haven't made any modifications to the Organization record (though i'...
Maya Tran's user avatar
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Obtaining sandbox refresh date

If you log into your production org and navigate to Setup > Environments > Sandboxes, you can see the Completed On value for each sandbox in the list view. This field tells you when the refresh ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there any way to preserve Sandbox User passwords and tokens when Sandboxes are refreshed?

No, you can't preserve anything from the pre-refresh Sandbox. Refreshing a sandbox is semantically equivalent to deleting the old sandbox, then creating a new sandbox with the same name. The only ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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Why can't I refresh any of my sandboxes

It was because we recently had removed our license for the FullCopy sandbox... meaning: Even though the FullCopy was locked we were still using 1 Full Copy more than were were provisioned. And hence ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
3 votes

Automate master data loading after sandbox refresh

Use a sandbox "post copy" script, available since Spring'16. Questions with this tag: sandboxpostcopy. Of course this will limit you to 10K rows created so if you need a complex structure - use this ...
eyescream's user avatar
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3 votes

NamedCredentials update after sandbox refresh

One of the approaches I can think of is to Use Salesforce metadata API wrapper like one maintained by Financial Force to implement logic to update named credentials . You will need to put the logic ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

How to automate data import on full sandbox refresh

Since you have a Full Copy Sandbox , In your production org you will see a Tab named "Sandbox Templates". Sandbox templates allow you to pick specific objects and data to copy to your Full or ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

Sandbox verification emails

Instead of relying on the email address (which is "munged" during the sandbox copy), you can use your mobile number and self-verify in the sandbox with a text message. To do so, edit your User record ...
larry wolf's user avatar
3 votes

Backup of Sandbox before refresh

There are various tools available which you can take help from MavensMate - ANT -
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
3 votes

Differentiate Production/Sandbox Instance?

I used in a formula if($Organization.Id ='00xxx000000xxxx' ... where 00xxx000000xxxx was Production Org id, only to find out that, in Sandbox, the text was substituted by the Sandbox Org id after ...
Marianna's user avatar
3 votes

If I refresh my Sandbox now, will it be on the Preview Release version?

If you upgrade now, your sandbox will be built on a non-preview instance, and roll back to Summer '18. Here's how it works: Sandboxes can be on "preview" or "non-preview" instances....
Shane Steinfeld's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to prevent certain flows from being cloned

The short answer is No. If you refer to below from Clone a Sandbox documentation, it copies over all metadata (emphasis mine) and you don't have any way to select/de-select any particular metadata. ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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Would Refreshing a Sandbox Wipe Out Certain Metadata?

On top of David's answer, wanted to provide some information around your question: I'm working on a sandbox-refresh script and trying to determine how to handle custom settings that are in the ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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3 votes

Why Connected App's client_id and client_secret still valid after a sandbox refresh?

After getting contact with Salesforce Support they answered that this can occur and that it also is 'working as designed', even though it is indeed a grey area, with no documentation that covers this ...
Leandro Ferreira Fernandes's user avatar
3 votes

Dynamically set Connected App Callback URL

Your options: Update the callback URL via Metadata API called from your post-refresh script that implements SandboxPostCopy (example) Have the callback URL point to your VF page, then do the redirect ...
identigral's user avatar
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When did instance URL format change for some sandboxes to now to <domain name>

It would appear someone enabled Enhanced Domains in that sandbox if it's the only one with that behavior. I would also check whether it's enabled in Production and this was the first sandbox refreshed ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar

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