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Can we package custom Big Objects into a 2nd generation managed package?

Yes, it is now possible to package Big Object metadata in a 2GP managed package. I just successfully tested this out by creating the Big Object in a scratch org, retrieving the metadata, creating a ...
Patrick Steffens's user avatar
2 votes

Jenkins validation error Delete is not a standard action and cannot be overridden

I also started to have this error returned during a deployment. Sometimes salesforce doing changes in patches and modifies metadata of objects/flows etc. Just pull this object from your org and commit ...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
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Is it possible to retrieve metadata for Authentication Configuration from MyDomain using sfdx or mdapi?

For this you have to create a SamlSsoConfig. Please, refer to this SF documentation page for more details:
Bahtiyar Ishkabulov's user avatar
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Salesforce CLI Deployment Warnings: GlobalValueSet returned from org but not found in local project

Another workaround is to configure API version 56.0 in sfdx-project.json, and use that version when deploying using the --api-version commandline switch fwiw: the bug report in the CLI public issue ...
Oscar Scholten's user avatar
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How to select scratch org in SFDX

With the retirement of the sfdx command, using the new sf CLI command style, switching to a target (either scratch, sandbox or production) org is now accomplished with the config set command: > sf ...
R. van Diesen's user avatar
3 votes

Removing old hub org, or non-scratch org from Salesforce DX org list

With the retirement of the sfdx command, using the new sf CLI command style, this is now accomplished with the org logout command: > sf org logout --target-org <ALIAS_NAME> --no-prompt
R. van Diesen's user avatar
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Is this possible to migrate user records from one organization to another using SFDX?

Adapted version using CSV uses several steps for @user97132. Use export script to export users from one org. Save exported data to csv file Use import script to import user to another org. Listing ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Retrieve Page Layout by SFDX

sfdx force:source:retrieve -m "Layout:ObjectName-Page Layout Name" User hypen (-) instead of dot (.) between the object and layout name.
Venu Adepu's user avatar
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Warning: deploy:lwc is not a sfdx command

I had the same problem when testing the deployment in the target org so that in the actual deployment I had already solved all the conflicts. I started with the command sfdx force:source:deploy -x ...
Valteir Junior's user avatar
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How to authorise a SSO org in sfdx?

I was running into an instance where the login screen for the sandbox was not configured to use SSO (only presented username/password). Even if I was already logged in, using: sfdx force:auth:web:...
NSjonas's user avatar
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VS Code/sfdx: authorization fails with reason: self-signed certificate in certificate chain

With 'Salesforce CLI' Custom app permission enabled as well as 'API Enabled' at Profile-level, I was still receiving error. Logging off of my company's VPN immediately resolved issue for me. Hope you ...
Nicholas Bradley -TX's user avatar

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