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Which tool to use for updating 10,000 records in salesforce in single transaction

There is no Salesforce API that allows updating 10,000 records in a transaction. I have a set up where an external integration will bring 10,000 records at a time into my salesforce org (update ...
David Reed's user avatar
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What is preferable choice for integration: Salesforce to Salesforce or MiddleWare tool?

As of Spring '21 release, there is a limited list of Standard Salesforce objects which are supported by the Salesforce to Salesforce feature Account Attachment (unencrypted) Case Case Comment ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Is Salesforce to Salesforce a good choice for a new project?

To close this off here, this is a summary pulled from links that the commenters posted: This Salesforce Data Integration guide says "The Salesforce to Salesforce product is reaching its end of ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Mass Record insert using Salesforce connection for two org

You can write Apex Batch Class for doing the mass transfer. In the execute method you can insert the PartnerNetworkRecordConnection object. Below is the sample code i.e. not compiled for mass ...
RCS's user avatar
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Trigger on S2S's successfull sharing

One way of developing a synchronous solution is to create a boolean field, call it isS2SAccount on both sides, subscriber and publisher. Don't make them as editable on pagelayouts. In the publisher ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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How to programatically share a record in S2S

Here are two scenarios Let's take an example - You are sharing Account (Dollar Tree - 001B000000LvK1D) and an Opportunity (Dollar Tree - 006B0000001f6Dr). Now there are two things possible 1. You ...
J Doe's user avatar
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Trigger to forward related account with Opportunity in s2s

I'm not sure if you've already tried this or not but it seems as if you should be able to share the Account in the same way you shared your Oppty. I moved your DML outside of your for-loops and added ...
sfdcJameson's user avatar
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Trigger to forward related account with Opportunity in s2s

As I said, simply add the code to do the account: if(opp.Department__c == 'US') { //Send Account PartnerNetworkRecordConnection newAccrecord = new ...
Eric's user avatar
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Does Salesforce2Salesforce Support Delete?

This page says that you can do this automatically in the child org using batch APEX. Challenge: Delete Case comments from the target org if Case comments in the source org are made private or ...
gNerb's user avatar
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Does Einstein work with Salesforce 2 Salesforce?

Einstein syncs data from Salesforce objects into its own database. Salesforce 2 Salesforce copies only Salesforce objects, not external databases like Einstein, Pardot, etc. The Einstein in your ...
David Cheng's user avatar
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Time delay @future method - need delay for recurring batch process to complete

I've gone with a scheduled batch process to share the PDF to the other orgs as delaying @future doesn't seem possible. The batch process starts a few min after the initial update, and in the finish ...
Irene's user avatar
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Salesforce 2 Salesforce changes made on target are not being updated on the source? Suggestions?

Have you shared the objects from both the Source to the Target as well as the Target to the Source? You can set-up two way sharing with Salesforce to Salesforce (S2S) but to do so both orgs need to ...
sfelf's user avatar
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How to enable/see Org Sync Log tab in Salesforce

Please check if you have permissions to see Org sync tabs . Also see the below link to userguide ,
Raghu's user avatar
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How to programatically share a record in S2S

Make sure that you have setup S-2-S connection correctly For Asset__c this, from source org-publish it and subscribe it from target org. Repeat the above steps from target to source org. Last make ...
J Doe's user avatar
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Using Salesforce to Salesforce Connection to update object & Fields

In the same documentation , it says you cannot publish Lookup IDs. Documentation says: Lookup IDs are not available for publishing. You can enable S2S for those fields by creating a formula field ...
Chellappa Karimanoor's user avatar
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How to skip validation rule in trigger in "onafterinsert" without inserting any field on object?

Without adding any custom logic you can't skip the validation rule for Triggers. Following is the order of execution. System Validation rule (required field, field format) Triggers are executed (...
Nachiket Deshpande's user avatar
1 vote

Salesforce to Salesforce Record Transfer Limits?

Yes, Salesforce to Salesforce is subject to undocumented limits - they arrive suddenly as follows: The Salesforce to Salesforce operation from [source] to [target] failed because the Rate limit ...
Matt and Neil's user avatar

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