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15 votes

Status of renderAs advanced_pdf

As of Summer '18, this pilot program has been cancelled. The service didn't quite meet the scalability goals we needed. Safe harbor, we're working on a way to bring the program back and adapt it to ...
Mike's user avatar
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5 votes

Question regarding default Salesforce client certificate being retired

Steven Lawrence from Salesforce answered me on November 14 about this, at the Salesforce Success Community Group about Salesforce Infrastructure. His answer was: Fortunately, this change does not ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
5 votes

Visualforce Page renderAs pdf styling does not apply

CSS transforms are not supported in PDF mode. Also, anything that starts with "-moz", "-ms", "-o", or "-webkit" are not supported. You'll have to find a CSS1- or CSS2-level support design that meets ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
5 votes

Show value in Outputfield and InputFIeld while Rendered

Yes, it should work as written, although for efficiency, you should write it as follows: rendered="{!AND(Boolean1, NOT(Boolean2))}" rendered="{!AND(Boolean1, Boolean2))}" There's no need for the IF ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

renderAS = "advanced_pdf" with API Version 46.0 not rendering PDF with SDLS framework

Advanced PDF is - as far as I'm aware - not yet GA and still in Pilot. Source: There have been no ...
Semmel's user avatar
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4 votes

Remote Objects do not work when rendered as PDF?

According to this article: PDF rendering doesn’t support JavaScript-rendered content.
JRiffe's user avatar
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4 votes

how to make the link active in pdf when we render the visual force page as PDf?

If you look at the documentation for <apex:commandLink>, you will see that the action parameter invokes a server method using AJAX. You can't use Javascript in a PDF. The <apex:outputLink> ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
4 votes

Javascipt component not coming render as pdf

Refer this document: Visualforce PDF Rendering Considerations and Limitations. Don’t use standard components that aren’t easily formatted for print, or form elements such as inputs or buttons, or any ...
Raul's user avatar
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4 votes

Protect a generated PDF

You can create a Username - Password step before allowing anyone to download your PDF. If you inform the user that he can download a PDF after inserting a Username and Password you can do something ...
Carlos Naranjo's user avatar
4 votes

Getting "PDF generation failed. Check the page markup is valid." Error from tables?

Edited to be more like an answer. There could be many answers to this problem. Ultimately "Check your css!" I received this error earlier today and isolated right down to a height tag in my CSS ...
TheArchitecta's user avatar
4 votes

My visualforce PDF does not render webp image

PDF does not support webp, and Flying Saucer, the PDF renderer for Salesforce (and other programs), does not support webp; it would need to translate the webp file into a JPEG file to be usable in PDF....
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
4 votes

Visualforce renderAs Pdf CSS selector issue [:last-child]

:last-child was introduced as part of CSS 3. The library that Salesforce leverages to turns Visualforce pages into .pdf files, Flying Saucer, only supports up to CSS 2.1 (which is when :first-child ...
Derek F's user avatar
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4 votes

Border CSS not working properly with VF page rendered as pdf

The PDF engine that Salesforce still use AFAIK is Flying Saucer and that is far behind current CSS standards including to my knowledge not supporting rounded borders. So I'm afraid you will have to ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
3 votes

Render whole div in one page using renderAs PDF

This should work for you: @media print { div{ page-break-inside: avoid; } }
Alan Teles's user avatar
3 votes

Print/Download PDF from VF Renderas=PDF in Lightning Experience

Print & download option comes from the browser's pdf viewer. If you still want to have a button somewhere in your org to download the page, have the button, onclick of which redirect the user to ...
Santanu Halder's user avatar
3 votes

Visualforce renderAs="PDF" header <a> tag doesn't wrap <img>

align is deprecated attribute for img tag in HTML5 and renderAs PDF is pretty strict with HTML/CSS guidelines, quoting from MDN web docs: Aligns the image with its surrounding context. Use the ...
Raul's user avatar
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3 votes

Image is displayed upside down in Visualforce page rendered as PDF

JPEG images have an "orientation" tag that can be set by the camera or image editor. For example, an image can be stored upside down in the file, but the tag states the image is stored ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
3 votes

Visualforce Page - Render Rich Text Area(32768)

I was going through the documentation and I believe this is a limitation from salesforce end. Documentation The PDF rendering service renders the markup and data on your page, but it might not render ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
3 votes

Can we convert PDF file to Word Document?

Instead of trying to convert existing pdf version of the page, I suggest clone the current visualforce page and instead of render as pdf use contentType="application/msword#filename.doc Now you ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

Visualforce page rendered as pdf - fields not displaying

First place to identify issue is to look Field level security followed by access of lookup fields. Also checking the filed access in standard layout helps.
Raul's user avatar
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2 votes

is it possible to render as pdf with font Actor

Not possible. Fonts Available When Using Visualforce PDF Rendering Visualforce PDF rendering supports a limited set of fonts. To ensure that PDF output renders as you expect, use the supported font ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
2 votes

How to create A4 size PDF and template in Visualforce or Salesforce?

The PDF renderer supports (some) CSS. You can modify the page size just by adding a CSS style inline in your page, as you would in ordinary HTML destined for page-based layout: <head> <...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
2 votes

HTML List structure in a PDF rendered Visualforce page

You'll need to write some conditional CSS to use for when you're rendering as a PDF. The problem you're facing is the Salesforce PDF render engine will only support CSS 2.1. The default stylesheets ...
crmprogdev's user avatar
2 votes

Repeat HTML Table in Render as PDF VF Page

Try to follow this example : <table class="c_table"> <thead> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> &...
riccardo_castellano's user avatar
2 votes

Repeat HTML Table in Render as PDF VF Page

put this in your css inline of table: -Fs-table-paginate: paginate; <table style="-Fs-table-paginate: paginate"></table>
Tiago Pereira's user avatar
2 votes

Sort field set in Visualforce renderAs PDF with apex:repeat

JavaScript is probably not going to avail you here: Don’t use standard components that aren’t easily formatted for print, or form elements such as inputs or buttons, or any component that ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.7k
2 votes

Render as PDF in table format in lightning component

You can't render lightning components as PDF right now. You have to create a Visualforce page for this, or use an external JS library that renders the content as PDF. On Summer 17 Salesforce started ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
2 votes

Place image on last page in PDF document

I finally figured it out! This was a continuation of Attempt 4 above using the optional argument of last. Removing the string values of Page of pages and pushing everything into my footer div. I ...
JRiffe's user avatar
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2 votes

Visualforce as PDF error

This may have been included in the code you didn't post, but both rRecord and rpRecord are of type list<Renewal__c>. It would seem to me that if you use Limit 1 on both of those queries, they ...
crmprogdev's user avatar

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