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4 votes

Anyone know of any open source ORM (domain layer) initiatives for Salesforce?

There's at least one library, by FinancialForce, you can use. Also, some features you're asking for are actually native. Let's go down the list. Model an arbitrarily deep hierarchy Be creatable in ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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SOQL Join Opportunity, OpportunityLineItem, and Custom Object

Salesforce, for one reason or another, doesn't allow us to make relationship fields that target OLI (OpportunityLineItem). We can hold an OLI Id in a text field, but that won't allow you to traverse ...
Derek F's user avatar
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2 votes

Anyone know of any open source ORM (domain layer) initiatives for Salesforce?

I've gone ahead and created a small part of such a solution. It is a Visualforce page that uses describe calls to work out the relationships, and then generates a set of SObject wrappers that have ...
Keith C's user avatar
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how to know which all child objects has relationship with opportunity in salesforce. (Opportunity is parent)

You can use the DescribeSObjectResult class to access any SObject parent and/or child objects. Here is a print out of child objects of the Opportunity SObjectType. Schema.DescribeSObjectResult ...
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SOQL Join Opportunity, OpportunityLineItem, and Custom Object

Perhaps something like this would work: SELECT Id, OpportunityId, <Other fields> FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId IN: (SELECT <Opportunity Id Lookup Field> FROM myobject__c)
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