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Is it possible to retrieve metadata for Authentication Configuration from MyDomain using sfdx or mdapi?

For this you have to create a SamlSsoConfig. Please, refer to this SF documentation page for more details:
Bahtiyar Ishkabulov's user avatar
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How to determine which Profiles have access to an External Credential Named Principal

SetupEntityAccess stores this information by filtering SetupEntityType = 'ExternalCredentialParameter'. Unfortunately, querying this object does not allow to traverse External Credential fields to ...
Shamina's user avatar
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What's the underlying reason for salesforce metadata api for not being able to give more deployment errors in one go?

I think that the main reason could be the Multi-Tenant nature of SF; Since validating and analyzing every potential error across large deployments will impact server performance. Limiting errors ...
Jean's user avatar
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Unable to retrieve the metadata for Standard picklist field Status on PatientMedicalProcedure, how can I retrieve it?

The doc says it should be PMPStatus. sf force:source:retrieve -m StandardValueSet:PMPStatus
Patlatus's user avatar
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Export all Custom Metadata Types details in csv

I recently found a good solution for my use case in 2024. There is a free chrome extension called Salesforce DevTools. This has been a lifesaver for me, as all other tools export the metadata in a ...
Bridget's user avatar

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