New answers tagged metadata-api
Is it possible to retrieve metadata for Authentication Configuration from MyDomain using sfdx or mdapi?
For this you have to create a SamlSsoConfig. Please, refer to this SF documentation page for more details:
How to determine which Profiles have access to an External Credential Named Principal
SetupEntityAccess stores this information by filtering SetupEntityType = 'ExternalCredentialParameter'.
Unfortunately, querying this object does not allow to traverse External Credential fields to ...
What's the underlying reason for salesforce metadata api for not being able to give more deployment errors in one go?
I think that the main reason could be the Multi-Tenant nature of SF;
Since validating and analyzing every potential error across large deployments will impact server performance. Limiting errors ...
Unable to retrieve the metadata for Standard picklist field Status on PatientMedicalProcedure, how can I retrieve it?
The doc says it should be PMPStatus.
sf force:source:retrieve -m StandardValueSet:PMPStatus
Export all Custom Metadata Types details in csv
I recently found a good solution for my use case in 2024. There is a free chrome extension called Salesforce DevTools. This has been a lifesaver for me, as all other tools export the metadata in a ...
Top 50 recent answers are included
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