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8 votes

Get components of a compound field?

Yes, by using JSON serialization or by referencing an undocumented property compoundFieldName on Schema.DescribeFieldResult. The API version of a field describe result includes this key. If non-null, ...
David Reed's user avatar
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3 votes

Why does my custom metadata field defintion query not work?

You are debugging using string coercion, which leaves you at the mercy of how the debugger converts your records to strings. If you want to see the values of cross object fields, you can loop through ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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2 votes

Get components of a compound field?

If you DO know the object and field name and just wanna find components of the field, you can use: public static String[] getComponentFields(String sobjectType, String addressFieldName) { ...
dzh's user avatar
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1 vote

SOQL on FieldDefinition object - "LIKE" and "NOT LIKE" Return Same Results?

As per this documentation, the FieldDefinition object Tooling API doesn’t support SOQL operations COUNT(), GROUP BY, LIMIT, LIMIT OFFSET, OR, NOT, and INCLUDES. The unsupported operations for these ...
Tushar Jadav's user avatar
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Cannot download FieldDefinition data for Contact object

It's confusing based on the naming, but if you look closer at FieldDefinition, you'll see that EntityDefinitionId is: The durable ID for the object defined in the EntityDefinition field. In ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
1 vote

Querying inlineHelpText using the tooling API

While "inlineHelpText" appears in the FieldDefintion docs it isn't in the context of a field on FieldDefinition. It appears under the CustomField Metadata. Which is the metadata you get on fields ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar

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