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10 votes

how to deploy Email-to-case settings in other sandbox?

Email-to-Case Settings can be deployed using the Settings Metadata API Object specifically CaseSettings. However, there are issues: (As of V49) No MDAPI support for the default recordtype - you would ...
cropredy's user avatar
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10 votes

How to obtain trigger log from Email2Case?

The running user for Email to Case is found in Setup | Customize | Cases | Support Settings under the field Automated Case User if you are using On-Demand E2C The user listed in the Case History ...
cropredy's user avatar
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7 votes

custom Email Service - inline images appear as '[Image is no longer available]' upon Reply/ReplyAll

This is how I solved the problem, after saving off the attachments then I updated the message body to replace the cid references with URL to the files. For some magical reason, Salesforce will ...
Doug Ayers's user avatar
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7 votes

Code optimisation on EmailMessage

Don't Skimp on Curly Brackets You may think that you're saving some space/typing with: if (em.Incoming) caseIds.add(em.parentId); But you're actually risking a very subtle bug. Commenting a ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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6 votes

Who runs Email-to-Case

You can check the Support Setting and look for "Automated Case user" that user is used for Email-to-Case
Nishant Singh Panwar's user avatar
5 votes

Case.Thread_Id, is Thread_Id a field on Case object?

Only reliable way to get the Thread Id at this time is when getting the result from Salesforce itself. You can do this by getting the result that Salesforce would generate when sending an Email: // ...
Christophe Vidal's user avatar
5 votes

Close Case If No Reply Within 48 Hours?

You can do this using nothing but configuration via the Process Builder. Step 1: Create Timer Field On the Case object, create a date time field with no default value. Step 2: Create Process 1 In ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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5 votes

Email to case issue: Finding actual email id for which case is getting created

Let's say, Email-to-Case set up is like this: And user is sending single email to both the address [email protected] and [email protected]. So, there are 2 cases will be created and you if see any one ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
5 votes

Changing Email service address after turning on My Domain

No, the email service addresses for email-to-case will not change. The org I work in now has My Domain, and a bunch of old email-to-case addresses that still work. (In fact, in checking, I realized ...
Thomas Taylor's user avatar
5 votes

how to deploy Email-to-case settings in other sandbox?

No, it looks like we can't deploy them via changesets and any other tool. The best you can do is deploy via migration tool is EmailServicesFunction which contains EmailToCase and ...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar
5 votes

Sandbox Email-to-Case service does not relate the received Email to existing Case

Substituting the right 11 characters from the org id doesn't always work. Use 10 characters instead. The reason is that the 5 and the 11 will overlap causing a double up of the 5th character! Use ...
Austin Cutten's user avatar
5 votes

What is the proper usage of a field that is prefixed with "Source"? Ex: Source.ToAddress

In general terms, the 'Source' refers to the channel from where Case was created. Technically the error is saying there is no Object Type for 'ToAddress'. However, 'ToAddress' is a standard field on '...
maniac coder's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a way to detect, via SOQL query or describe, whether Email-to-Case is turned on in an org?

You could look at EmailServicesAddress and EmailServicesFunction. SELECT Id, FunctionName, isActive FROM EmailServicesFunction The above will return a row with the following info when E2C is ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
4 votes

Email2Case - Create new case on replies after X amount of days

I can tell you how we do this. We have a custom emailHandler that processes emails as they come in. Our email handler checks to see if the email relates to a closed case and re-opens it. It would be ...
gNerb's user avatar
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4 votes

Disable assignment rule(s) and default owner when using email-to-case?

I've solved this as follows Recognize that triggers run before assignment rules and E2C will run assignment rules. In before insert trigger, set custom field Bypass_Assignment_Rules__c to true for ...
cropredy's user avatar
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4 votes

Email to Case (on demand) forwarding via Outlook rules

I think your issue might be with how you're handling the inbound email from Outlook/Exchange. If you're "Forwarding" the email to the unique SFDC email address, then it is in fact coming from your ...
Robbert Dekker's user avatar
4 votes

Email to case routing address wont create Case in salesforce

From the comments, it seems the issue is with Email-to-Case setup, not the routing. You can troubleshoot with this Salesforce knowledge article. Troubleshooting Email-to-Case on Demand not creating ...
Saroj Bera's user avatar
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4 votes

Not able to query attachment coming from email to case

If you are on Lightning Experience, the attachments are being saved on a different object/table called ContentDocument. The binary data itself is stored in a related object called ContentVersion, and ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
4 votes

Omni Channel Supervisor not showing assigned queues for an agent

This is due to the fact that one the User record you may not have "Service Cloud User" checked. You need to make sure both "Chat User" and "Service Cloud User" is checked ...
payamf1's user avatar
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4 votes

Insert Thread ID in the Email Subject option not visible on Email-to-Case

As far as I can see there is a new default for any org created after Winter'21 (which is the release being deployed by Salesforce). Long story short: I think you cannot change it, if your org is ...
Jeferson Chaves's user avatar
3 votes

Create case records from report or Spreadsheet?

You can use any of data loader tools. There is the Apex Data Loader: The Data Import Wizard(in browser):
Stephen's user avatar
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You are directly causing this error (if I recall, you were looking to create some unit tests for this trigger). As noted in the comments, the text of the error message matches the text that you're ...
Derek F's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I add a Case Comment to a case with email-to-case?

You should be using {!Case.Thread_Id} in your email templates. The formula in the link you provided was not provided by, but just a random customer that felt they wanted to demonstrate ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Copy Values from Case Description Field to custom fields on Case

You're splitting on ':', so your key won't match. Change your values to exclude the ':': 'Media Request Type' => 'Media_Request_Type__c', Alternatively, you might consider using a ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

To Update fields on Case from email Body on Email to Case functionality?

I think your best option might be to set up a trigger in the Case object so everytime a case is inserted from the Email2Case service you can parse the body and populate the required fields as you wish....
Javier García's user avatar
3 votes

Can you sort a Case List View by date time of the latest received email?

You can't do this "out of the box," but you also don't need a custom page. Instead, you just need a custom field and a bit of configuration. First, create a new DateTime field on Case for "latest ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

Case Assignment rules not working when I use "Email Message: To Address"

Pankaj, You are right about order of operations. I'm not sure of a an easy method without resorting to Apex. This could also be accomplished using a custom InboundEmailHandler class (developer doc)...
Aubry's user avatar
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3 votes

Email-To-Case - how to find if it's enabled

Using the Metadata API, you can get CaseSettings. If On-Demand Service is enabled you can use the following. You can query EmailServicesFunction object to see if there is an entry for EmailToCase. ...
Daniel Hoechst's user avatar
3 votes

One Email-to-case should assign to 2 queues

Email-to-case always runs Case Assignment rules so all you need is an assignment rule that inspects Subject using Contains operator for Electronic and assign to the new queue. Note that a case can ...
cropredy's user avatar
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3 votes

Order of Execution when creating a case from email-to-case

The order is follows, The case is created. The email message is created with the parentId. The case sourceId will be populated.
Hariprasath's user avatar

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