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7 votes

How to opt out of FLS validation when a SOQL query is run by a trigger?

I am partial to stripInaccessible because WITH SECURITY ENFORCED because the queries throw an exception if any of the fields are not available to the user. I would not make it automatic to trigger ...
Sebastian Kessel's user avatar
4 votes

Anyone know of any open source ORM (domain layer) initiatives for Salesforce?

There's at least one library, by FinancialForce, you can use. Also, some features you're asking for are actually native. Let's go down the list. Model an arbitrarily deep hierarchy Be creatable in ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

How to disable CRUD/FLS check from fflib domain layer for only some specific flows. By default it is enabled for all flows using base class

I have find one workaround for my requirement. My flow is Create a static variable isSupportCRUD with default value true in Base domain class. Create a new method disableTriggerCRUDSecurity() in the ...
Customer Foster's user avatar
3 votes

Setting up a different marketing platform while working in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

If you've delegated a subdomain to Salesforce using NS records, you'd not be able to do anything with the subdomain...'s nameservers are the authority and manage the entire zone file ...
Macca's user avatar
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2 votes

ff Domain Layer test with disable, enable trigger context

When you bypass trigger logic, you need to bookend your disablement. Typical flow is as below: @IsTest static void myTest() { // disable trigger // insert data // enable trigger Test....
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
2 votes

Anyone know of any open source ORM (domain layer) initiatives for Salesforce?

I've gone ahead and created a small part of such a solution. It is a Visualforce page that uses describe calls to work out the relationships, and then generates a set of SObject wrappers that have ...
Keith C's user avatar
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2 votes

How can we configure a custom domain for Lightning Experience?

You have Options to Serve a Custom Domain in Salesforce. You'll want to read the entire article, plus the other article if you choose to use a Naked Domain (such as versus www....
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Enterprise Architecture, Domain layer - handling multiple records

The example in fflib-apex-common-samplecode assumes that all opportunities will get a common discount% Your conundrum is a common one Option 1 If in fact you want the domain class to apply the ...
cropredy's user avatar
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1 vote

How do fflib_SObjectDomain methods implement database transactions (trigger context)?

This method is called on before insert, using the parameter; any changes you make to those records will be committed after the trigger completes successfully. When you give a method a ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k

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