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Javascript in LWC

Just as an alternative if the original syntax is something you want to use you'll just need to replace the single quotes ' with backticks in order to use template literals. Such as let Product = ...
KDH's user avatar
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3 votes

Javascript in LWC

To query the elements dynamically in Lightning Web Component, You need to change your markup as below:- let Product=; alert(Product); let checkboxes = this.template....
sanket kumar's user avatar
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2 votes

Date format in SAQL

Simply use 1 year ago as below. Assuming you will replace dataset and related date field name below: q = load "Opportunity_SFDC"; q = filter q by date('CloseDate_Year', 'CloseDate_Month', '...
Ayub's user avatar
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Application error: Service Unavailable on Einstein Analytics

I have seen this error occur if the Right key is empty on an augment node. If you have augments in the dataflow, open each node and verify that you have a right key. This error will also occur if ...
Carl Brundage's user avatar
1 vote

Einstein Vision : Train a Dataset : Failed to get dataset download url

The problem was in my I changed the following things, without trying out what the significant change was: changed labels (foldernames) from numbers to letters, starting with a capital ...
esfi's user avatar
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Cogroup always gives an 'Unknown IDTOKEN' error

I believe you need to include an aggregation in your last generate statement. What happens if you try this: z = foreach z generate sum(p.'B') as 'Gross Sales', sum(q.'A') as 'Cancelled Sales', sum(q....
Art's user avatar
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How can I see what datasets belong to which data flows?

You can see the Source for the dataset and any flow it's a part of by going to the Data Manager (in Analytics Studio, click on the gear icon, and then click 'Data Manager'). In the Data Manager, ...
John Towers's user avatar
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How to create Datasets in Einstein

Ran into the same issue...Make sure you have all the appropriate Permission Sets and Permission License sets then also check the App, Analytics Studio, and make sure the your profile is checked off.
Lorraine's user avatar
1 vote

Add a field to a wave dataset

I know this is a bit old but in case it could you or new users as I think there is an easier way now. From wave you need to go to data manager, by clicking in the gear icon data manager From there ...
manza's user avatar
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Add a field to a wave dataset

You can download the .json file from the dataset and edit the file and you can add the field and upload the worlflow json back You will find this in data monitor >data flow
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar

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