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21 votes

Get Label For SObject API Name

You can get the label using the DescribeSObjectResult: DescribeSObjectResult describe = SObjectType.MyApiName__c; system.debug(describe.getLabel()); Another common syntax is: DescribeSObjectResult ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
21 votes

About the 10 custom objects limitation for community licenses

There are no technical restraints regarding the ten object limit. This is actually mentioned in the documentation somewhere. However, if finds out (however that may be), you would be in ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
19 votes

Custom Metadata vs. Custom Objects in Managed Package

Here are some "advantages" vs using a Custom Object: Can be Deployed Can use Field Definition or Entity Particle to create references to Custom Object Metadata Retrieve doesn't cost against ...
NSjonas's user avatar
  • 10.2k
16 votes

Working with SObjects instead of concrete custom objects (i.e., abstraction in apex)

Mechanics You need to use the get and put methods. Each method supports both String and SObjectField as the parameter type: // terse myObject.put('UniqueId__c', myObject.get('ExternalId__c')); // ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
16 votes

Custom Metadata vs. Custom Objects in Managed Package

A reason I haven't seen articulated yet applies specifically to the managed package context: Packaged, protected Custom Metadata Types are an ideal solution for secret storage in a managed package ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.4k
14 votes

Can someone please explain what is meant by sObject?

An SObject represents a specific table in the database that you can discretely query. The API Name is what you reference as ending in __c. Standard SObjects have names like Account or Opportunity, ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
13 votes

Apex object field for reverse lookup

Yes. You are looking for a Left Outer Join, where the type of query you first reference is a Right Outer Join. Your query might look like: SELECT (SELECT Id FROM Awards__r) FROM Person__c You can ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
13 votes

What is the value of the first and final record id for an object?

Most of what you need to know is covered in What are Salesforce ID's composed of? In short, only the last 9 characters of the ID are incremented from record to record. E.g. 0010a0000000001 to ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
12 votes

How to identify look up relations to an object in Salesforce

You could get this with apex describe methods: for ( Schema.ChildRelationship scr : Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getchildRelationships() ){ system.debug(''); system.debug('**** Child ...
martin's user avatar
  • 12.7k
12 votes

Customize error message for trigger and display error message below the field

You can add an error to a specific field using the addError method as follows: SObject someRecord; someRecord.SomeField__c.addError('Custom Message'); //or someRecord.someField__c.addError(...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
12 votes

How to initialize sObject with Relational fields?

You need to use the name pointing reference: MyObject__c record = new MyObject__c(); record.Parent__r = new Parent__c(Name='Populated'); The above is functionally equivalent to putSObject: ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
10 votes

Insert multiple sObjects in single DML call

You need to use a related field Contact__r to associate the Contact to AccountContact__c. Try below code, List<sObject> records = new List<sObject>(); records.add(new Account(...
Devendra's user avatar
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10 votes

Updating an object API name when referenced by code - impossible!

I think developers just become resigned to how painful simple refactoring like changing a name is after a while, either accepting the pain involved or choosing to just leave the bad name. Or choosing ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
10 votes

Get Object API name of any Lookup field

Use Schema.getGlobalDescribe() method that accepts String as API name of object and then use getMap() method to get map of SObjectFields String objectName = 'Opportunity'; String fieldName = '...
Oleksandr Berehovskyi's user avatar
9 votes

How do I get the list of fields of sObject

One liners: Sobject__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().fields.getMap().keySet() Or for dynamic queries: String.join(new List<String>(SObject__c.sObjectType.getDescribe().fields.getMap().keySet()), '...
Bart Juriewicz's user avatar
9 votes

Insert multiple sObjects in single DML call

You need to use the name pointing reference. Here, that would be Contact__r. It might be more clear if you look at how it works if you set the value dynamically: you can either call set with the Id, ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
9 votes

Roll-up summary implications and behind the scenes calculations

There are following issues in your design. Account data skew: If an Account record has more than 10,000 child records then it is called Account data skew. It can also be broadly called as Parent-...
Santanu Boral's user avatar
9 votes

Cannot Change Object Permissions?

You are limited to the settings that are editable on standard profiles. This includes the Standard User profile, which does not allow you to edit the object level permissions. You must clone the a ...
Bob Lopez's user avatar
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9 votes

Is There a Way to Know if an Id Exists Without Querying?

The answer is NO A far better practice is to store API names in custom settings/custom metadata and query for the resource by apiName in the code: API Names are more transparent than IDs Custom ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 72.5k
8 votes

getReturnValue returns undefined

The problem is the name of the variables here .Be always careful with naming your actions on the server and the client side . getCustomObjects: function(component) { var action = component.get('c....
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
8 votes

How do I count objects available in a Salesforce organization?

You can easily do this using Global Describe map<String, Schema.SObjectType> GlobalMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); for (Schema.SObjectType Obj : GlobalMap.values()) { Schema....
Tushar Sharma's user avatar
8 votes

Is there a way to see all recent changes in an org

Monitor Setup Changes Setup Audit Trail tracks the recent setup changes that you and other admins have made to your org. Audit history is especially useful in orgs with multiple admins. To view the ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
8 votes

Validate if a custom object or custom settings is used anywhere

What you're looking for is this feature (dependency API), but it's not available publicly yet. For now, the only sane way to do a check is to use a metadata deployment with a "check-only" option to ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
7 votes

How to know, existing object limit for my current edition

Navigate to Setup -> System Overview. Here you will be able view Number of Objects you can create in your org. Custom Object Limits as per the Salesforce Doc Note:The system overview page shows ...
Devendra's user avatar
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7 votes

"No such column 'New_Field__c' on entity 'Custom_Object__c'" when querying Object deployed via Change Set

You almost certainly omitted permissions to read this field for your profile. Edit the Field Level Security and make sure you have at least Read access.
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
7 votes

How to pre-populate fields when creating a new record?

In lightning: you can do that using Set Predefined Field Values for Quick Action Fields. Here you predefine values for the new record created in quick action attributes and thus they gets ...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar
7 votes

Name field type change for custom objects which are already used in a managed package showing error

When you create a package using 1GP(First generation) where one uses packaging org to create a package (instead of the local source code), certain attributes are Locked once the package is Managed-...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
6 votes

What is the logic for the automatic creation and update of "standard" report types for custom objects?

Based on some light reverse engineering. The "standard" report types are created whenever the enable reports option is checked on a custom object, or a master detail relationship to the reportable ...
Ralph Callaway's user avatar
6 votes

Is it possible to create search layouts in a custom Object?

The reason that there are only 4 search layouts for a searchable custom object is that you have not created a Tab for it, which means a Tab and List View search layout have not been created yet. I ...
Dave Humm's user avatar
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6 votes

Retrieve parent values from getPopulatedFieldsAsMap?

Contact__r looks like it's an object. You can get the object by doing this: Contact cnt = (Contact)fieldsPopulated.get('Contact__r'); system.debug('Email: ' + cnt.Email); system.debug('Name : ' + cnt....
Sebastian Kessel's user avatar

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