3 votes

getAllTabInfo Iterate through response

Your console log should give you all the information you need to loop through and close the tabs based on a title. You can try something like this, and it will work, but please build off of this ...
Brandon Fitch's user avatar
3 votes

LWC: Invalid event type "WireContextEvent" dispatched in element

LWCs are not fully supported in the Console at the time. You will need to put your LWC in an Aura Component wrapper for it to work. See the LWC Developer Documentation for more on this. I would expect ...
crmprogdev's user avatar
3 votes

VF page doesn't show the fields

It seems you're passing the record ID of some other object to the page, not a task. The prefix for a task ID is 00T, you have a02 which leads me to believe you're passing the ID of a custom object ...
Matt Lacey's user avatar
  • 25.6k
3 votes

Recordtype and Pagelayout

Answering your two questions: Is it possible to have the record type in the same page layout of the task? If so, how can i accomplish it? No, by standard way, it first asks for RecordType then ...
Ashwani's user avatar
  • 22.6k
3 votes

How do I Call Methods in the Console Integration Toolkit from a Lightning Component?

Here is a small experiment as a proof of concept to emit events from lightning component and handle in VF <aura:component> <div> Hello World !!!! </div> <aura:registerEvent ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

Get Object Id of the currently open primary tab on a custom console component through apex controller

It sounds like what you're getting is the ID of the tab when what you really want is the ID of the object. For this you can use sforce.console.getFocusedPrimaryTabObjectId instead of sforce.console....
Albert James's user avatar
1 vote

Console method to get selected tab on VF page

You want getFocusedSubtabObjectId. sforce.console.getFocusedSubtabObjectId(new function (result) { console.log(resul.objectId); } On a side note, why reinvent the wheel? Just grab the caseId ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 150k
1 vote

Visualforce Error: Unknown property 'Store__cStandardController.Store

Assuming the relationship name from Store__c to Associate__c is called Associates, then the line you need is <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Store__c.Associates__r}" var="Ass"> N.B. use of an ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 71.4k
1 vote

Setting up Related List on Console

You are using Bottom Sidebar(Interaction Log), that may be the issue. There is another Bottom Sidebar exists. Use that.
Santanu Boral's user avatar
1 vote

Opening and closing custom console components

You can use setVisible to collapse the phone component if it's the openCTI softphone: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_cti.meta/api_cti/sforce_api_cti_setvisible.htm. If that ...
Jared's user avatar
  • 26
1 vote

display list of cases related to contact on service console left sidebar

The console provides an out-of-box related list sidebar to help with this without needing code. It will display a related list in a sidebar of the page layout you configure it on. You can edit the ...
Paul H.'s user avatar
  • 1,338
1 vote

how to open a link in in new tab in console application?

If you want your page to work both in and out of the console, you can adopt something like the following. Here is a brief explanation of why you should use IIFE structure. (function (c, d, w) { //...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 150k
1 vote

How do I make a console footer open a new tab?

You're essentially creating a component that "executes" a script and closes. This is very similar to creating a headless flow that runs from within the component in that your JS runs on Init to find ...
crmprogdev's user avatar
1 vote

Finish Button on Flow reloads iFrame holding VF Flow Component

Interesting concept. I can see a couple ways of handling this. The best is probably to handle the flow's status change event in your Lightning component: <lightning:flow aura:id="flowData" ...
Shane Steinfeld's user avatar
1 vote

Pass related record Id to custom component in lightning record page

Not if you are using the OOTB Related list, as there is no way of triggering an event when the record is selected, you will most likely need a Custom Related List Component, allongside a custom event ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.1k
1 vote

Service cloud console: refresh custom console component when moving to different subtab

You can perform some action when a new subtab is selected via sforce.console.onFocusedSubtab. It looks like this: sforce.console.onFocusedSubtab( result => doSomething({ objectId: result....
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 491k
1 vote

Warn on closing console tabs from console component

This code from documentation 'setTabUnsavedChanges()' worked from me: Note: Using /support/console/40.0/integration.js because in my dev org 41.0 in URL doesn't work. Also you do not need to paas the ...
Raul's user avatar
  • 18.8k
1 vote

In service console, how to tell when user switches to navigation tab or closes all tabs

You have to call sforce.console.getFocusedPrimaryTabId() again in OpenSolution() method before if conditions, then it will take correct primaryTabIdxRt function openSolution(recURL) { sforce....
Santanu Boral's user avatar
1 vote

Console component tries to open in subtab when primaryTabId is null

I have taken your code done a small change and it is working as expected. For shake of my testing, rather than solutions, I am opening a hardcoded Lead record. Before clicking on Click Here url, I ...
Santanu Boral's user avatar

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