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6 votes

Best way to lessen the characters used in a formula field

You can rely on some common patterns in your example and use the CONTAINS function within nested IFs with the last else use case being the CASE to handle odd-balls IF (CONTAINS(...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 72.5k
5 votes

Best way to lessen the characters used in a formula field

If I were to address this requirement, I would introduce an object to represent the various programs (e.g. Program__c) and have that object hold both the program name and the type of institution. I'd ...
Phil W's user avatar
  • 37.5k
3 votes

List sorting by custom field

In 2024 things have improved. Salesforce introduced the Comparator interface, something that Java had at least since version 1.2. No need for wrappers or another query. In order to sort according to a ...
Felix van Hove's user avatar
3 votes

incorrect signature: void getDescribe() from the type Schema.DescribeFieldResult

Schema.sObjectType is a DescribesObjectResult, which is why you need to use fields to get to the fields. If you want to get the field token, use <sobjectType>.<fieldName>. The two ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
2 votes

How do I create a trigger where only the owner of a case can edit the OwnerId field

I believe this can be done using a validation rule; no need for a trigger. Something like: ISCHANGED(OwnerId) && PRIORVALUE(OwnerId) != $User.Id
Phil W's user avatar
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2 votes

Error when creating a case

It looks like there is a custom lookup filter defined on the AccountId field on Case. Go to Object Manager → Case → Fields & Relationships → Account Name. Check whether there are any lookup ...
fred's user avatar
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2 votes

What are some advantages/disadvantages on moving Case Assignment Rule logic to a Flow?

Yes, you can use a Flow, but there are tradeoffs. If you can fit your logic in a before save flow, it should perform better than the assignment rule. Note that some paths that may create a case, such ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
2 votes

No way to notify a user when they are added as a case team member?

It's simply not triggerable. Generally, the canonical approach is to write a scheduled job (likely a batch) that you run on an interval. Each execution, you look for records created since the last run....
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
2 votes

incorrect signature: void getDescribe() from the type Schema.DescribeFieldResult

Well, Type is the name of a class (and not one of the reserved keywords), but that's not the issue here. Schema.SObjectType.Case.fields.Type and Schema.SObjectType.Case.fields.Subtype__c are already ...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 63.2k
1 vote

Case Subject in list view

Just to update, It's a bug reported in new Winter release.
India's user avatar
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1 vote

WebToCase form is not generating cases in Salesforce

Though the same link has been already shared in comment above. Let me know what is not helpful in the link. In a 24-hour period, you can capture up to 5,000 cases. If you reach this limit, any ...
Nagendra Singh's user avatar
1 vote

How do I trigger Case assignment rules on case edit operation? (Through UI)

To force case assignment rules, enable the 'Default' checkbox and disable the "Show on edit page" checkbox under Case Assignment Checkbox. This will remove the ability for users to turn off ...
Tushar Jadav's user avatar
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can we create matching rules on case object in salesforce service cloud Enterprise Edition so that we can identify duplicate cases?

This feature is still an idea you can upvote the idea. To manage the case duplication you can write a trigger on before insert to check for duplicate cases. Based on specific fields you can write code ...
Tushar Jadav's user avatar
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can we create matching rules on case object in salesforce service cloud Enterprise Edition so that we can identify duplicate cases?

Only supported objects are shown in the dropdown. At the time of this answer, cases are not supported by Duplicate Management. For now, this feature only supports accounts, contacts, leads, and custom ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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API Integration User - why is modify all necessary to create cases assigned to users (not queues)?

First of all, you are to be commended for wanting to avoid using the Modify All permission (or the even deadlier Modify All Data permission. The solution to this is to add Transfer Record permission ...
cropredy's user avatar
  • 72.5k
1 vote

Nested AND/OR Statement in a Validation Rule on the Case Object

You just forgot a comma in the OR function. Each parameter of a function needs a comma between them. AND ( ISPICKVAL(Status, "Closed"), NOT(Project_Checklist_Complete__c), OR( ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
1 vote

How to update first response date field(custom object) on case object

I would create a record triggered flow based on the EmailMessage object. You can have it run only if the message is outbound and related to a case record (via Related Object Id starts with 500, see ...
Brian Biddi's user avatar
1 vote

Formula Field Case Statement that is dependent on a picklist value

Yes, but because formulas are so limited you'd have really no other option but to duplicate the CASE() structure. ex. IF( TEXT(TYPE) = "CURRENT CUSTOMER", /* CASE() for when it is &...
Derek F's user avatar
  • 63.2k
1 vote

Before Update Case

What you're trying to do is impossible. You cannot turn an insert into an update. Instead, you'll want to learn about the upsert DML operation. This allows you to create or update a case based on a ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 500k
1 vote

Best design for emailing groups of Users that are collaborating on a Case

i see two possible solutions here. With Case Teams you can easily create Email Alerts assigned to one or more Case Teams (I assume you´ll have only one Case Team called "Recipients"? ...
Markus L.'s user avatar
1 vote

Record types, with their corresponding reason and subreasons

Unfortunately, there is no simple way to do this via a SOQL query. Your best bet is the UI API, which you can query via Salesforce Workbench. Go to Utilities, REST Explorer and do a GET request to ...
fred's user avatar
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1 vote

Was Case access removed from the Salesforce Integration License?

This was an oversight on my part, and is now resolved. As outlined in the linked answer, you must assign a user with the Integration license the "Salesforce API Integration" Permission Set ...
Jason Clark's user avatar

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