12 votes

Canvas App (or equivalent) for Lightning Web Components

Aura Components are not going to be deprecated any time soon . I raised this question on the twitter to the PM for canvas and LWC and here is the response from him , please check screenshot below ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
4 votes

Inline Visualforce page vs Canvas App vs Lightning app

Based on your use case let's analyze PROS and CONS for each of the approaches 1. Canvas Based Approach PROS You can tweak the app to be used as a standalone app as well if needed to move it outside ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

How to create a canvas application displaying a connected app in a 2GP

You can't have a 1GP and 2GP by the same namespace in the same org, which explains your last problem. The directions you linked to presume that the Connected App is in a 1GP, that the 1GP has been ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Connected App for API & Canvas App Settings seem to contradict each other

First, I am assuming that your scenarios (1) and (2) are really one and the same. The external website calling into Salesforce is wholly represented by your Canvas-based app. That is, all API calls (...
identigral's user avatar
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2 votes

INVALID_SESSION_ID: force:canvasApp does not load connected app

After many hours of trial and error, I realized the issue was caused by how I logged into the organisation. Using sfdx force:org:open does not provide the correct context for REST API usage. Instead ...
Rink Stiekema's user avatar
2 votes

Use of Canvas App In AppExchange

Canvas Apps can be used in an AppExchange package, and the other options could work as well. You can use whichever one you would find easiest to implement.
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

Enable USB Feature for Canvas: external website embedded in a VisuaForce page

The purpose of iframe is to create a sandbox with restrictions. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_iframe_sandbox.asp When the sandbox attribute is present, and it will: (...) disable APIs Try this ...
Alexander R.'s user avatar
1 vote

Publish Custom Canvas App Event from Lightning Aura Component to the Canvas App

The response I got from Salesforce support was that it's not possible from a lightning component, but I was able to work around it. See my answer here. Since using events between a Visualforce page ...
Dan Puza's user avatar
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1 vote

Publish Custom Canvas App Event from Lightning Aura Component to the Canvas App

I think the canvas-all.js is only meant to be used in the app being canvassed, and not in any Aura/LWC component. Is there anything keeping you from using the standard iframe postMessage API? If you ...
rzr's user avatar
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1 vote

Visualforce page with canvasApp fails to load when using "login as" (user impersonation)

Answering my own question here in case others come here looking for a solution. This answer to a previous question gave me the hint on using the presence of the RSID cookie to detect impersonation ...
gsar's user avatar
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