4 votes

How to convert a LEAD to Person-Account directly (without any API or code)?

From this answer at Salesforce Developer Forums, it appears that when Person Accounts are enabled in your Org you can make the Company on Lead optional and remove it from the page layout. Do you ...
Dave Humm's user avatar
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Do I need to buy Pardot to practice what I learn about it or is there a free version like developer orgs?

There is no free/developer accounts for pardot and marketing clouds, unfortunately.
user2815826's user avatar
2 votes

SFDX: Cannot assign B2B Permission Set due to missing License

You cannot use scratch orgs with B2B CloudCraze because, as you noticed, the license is -unfortunately- not available in scratch orgs. So, you should use developer orgs or sandboxes for your ...
Louis Bompart's user avatar
2 votes

SOSL Query not returning wildcard results

I found the answer and it is not a Salesforce issue. The issue is surrounding the Salesforce B2B (FKA CloudCraze) package and its objects. When overriding the search functionality I was looking at the ...
sevargdcg's user avatar
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B2B Lightning - Retrieve store URL from Product Id

Hey @slaughterize good day. we had this instance on our project and would like to share how we constructed the URLs programmatically for consumption. Think of it as 2 parts: BaseURL: https://(domain)....
malacdon's user avatar
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Summer 21 Update Breaks Salesforce B2B LEX Installation?

Summer 21 introduces a new setting - Enable Commerce under Get Started with Commerce - and it appears to be disabled by default, regardless of whether or not you already had B2B LEX set up. To enable ...
Victor Lockwood's user avatar
2 votes

Payment Gateway Authentication

Evidently this is a known issue when using CyberSource as the Payment Gateway for the B2B LE Checkout Flow. There is a documented workaround that I found in the B2B Commerce on Lightning Experience ...
Winston Henke's user avatar
1 vote

B2B Experience site - Get Current CartId

You can import CartSummaryAdapter from commerce/cartApi and wire that to retrieve the current active cart Id: import { LightningElement, wire } from "lwc"; import { CartSummaryAdapter } ...
Tim's user avatar
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Error: You can add up to 5 000 Products to a Category

I have been informed that Salesforce can increase the limit by opening a case with them.
Pablo C's user avatar
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Enable B2B Commerce in Existing Salesforce Org

Your Salesforce Account Executives are the best people to reach out to for License related queries, cost, and org planning, and please confirm with them. From my knowledge, You can certainly enable ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
1 vote

SFDX: Cannot assign B2B Permission Set due to missing License

The license is now available, as outlined here: https://dreamevent.secure.force.com/articleView?id=release-notes.rn_scratch_org_b2b_commerce.htm&type=5&release=230
shmuli's user avatar
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