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How to increase width of apex:inputfield for case owner field

For lookup fields, the styling will get placed in a <div> wrapper element and not directly on the input itself. What you will have to do is put a styleClass on your field, which will get placed ...
Drew Kennedy's user avatar
4 votes

apex:inputField not binding value to controller

You have multiple forms on your page. You button is in a separate form so when you submit it does not grab the value from the input fields in the other form. Wrap you entire code in the form as ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 54.3k
3 votes

Visualforce inputField Isn't Saving to Variable

You're refreshing selectOptionApp from the database every time saveMultiAppSelect() gets called: selectOptionApp = [SELECT Id,Reported_Issue__c,Issue_Reported_Date__c,Issue_Reported__c FROM ...
David Reed's user avatar
  • 93.4k
3 votes

How can I pass input parameters into a hyperlink?

Here's an approach - no controller code required Use apex:actionSupport to transmit change in batchDate to controller and refresh the commandButton Use URLFOR and especially the third argument to ...
cropredy's user avatar
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2 votes

Visualforce input type date picker field

You might go to jQuery UI path as mentioned Adrian, but quite a bit of work to be honest. It's a bit ugly, but you could maybe use an existing custom object in your wrapper class that have a date ...
brovasi's user avatar
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VisualForce page with SLDS: apex:inputField lookup button way too big

Lightning design system do not supports apex input filed. Try to create custom CSS styles for lookups and other field types
pklachkou's user avatar
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1 vote

how to capture the apex:inputField value on the front end?

Found it - the JS function should be looking to the event.currentTarget.value rather than taking in the input and textId
Olivia's user avatar
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onclick event in Apex:inputfeild is not calling javascript function

There's no need to use ID values here, just use <apex:inputfield required="true" onclick="getEmail(event)" value="{!IBI_TM_Applicants__c.Email_ID__c}">...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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Unable to use apex:inputFile with Javascript?

This is a common problem. Visualforce prefixes your ids, so you need to use a different selector. The simplest and best practice would be to use a class selector instead: <apex:inputFile ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
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InputFields don't appear on some parts of the page, even though they do elsewhere

You have missed the apex: namespace in your inputfield here, also you are wrapping more than 2 child elements inside the pageblocksectionitem. once you add the apex: namespace the page may complaint ...
Rao's user avatar
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Is there a way to put help link closer to apex:inputField in a pageBlockSection

Wrap it in an outputPanel <apex:outPutPanel layout="inline"> <apex:inputField value="{!conn.End_point__c}" style="width: 300px"/> <a href="
Eric's user avatar
  • 54.3k

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