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10 votes

Javascript Remoting returning JSON with encoded characters. For example &amp

The RemoteAction framework auto-escapes the results by default, to prevent accidental XSS injections for developers using innerHTML to render the contents of a callback. This is a security feature, ...
Eric's user avatar
  • 54.4k
9 votes

Use of Javascript Frameworks in Lightning Web Component

React (I assume other frameworks will also work, but I've only tested react) definitely can be used in LWC, but it's honestly quite a hack due to the limitations and constraints on the platform. ...
NSjonas's user avatar
  • 10.3k
9 votes

Modern JavaScript Frameworks (Angular Js, React JS ) within LWC

The short answer is Yes, you can use React and probably most other javascript frameworks inside of LWC. A very simply example of this would look something like this: import { LightningElement } from '...
NSjonas's user avatar
  • 10.3k
6 votes

Modern JavaScript Frameworks (Angular Js, React JS ) within LWC

This question has been asked at the Salesforce World Tour Paris, where some members of the LWC team were present, but without a clear answer. The question may be why should we use a framework besides ...
Mael Monnier's user avatar
5 votes

Redirecting to VF Page from Managed Package UI

Always use $Page global variable for redirection in a visualforce page. $Page.PageName if its outside namespace. or $Page.Namespace__PageName, if its inside. For accessing $Page in JavaScript ...
Raul's user avatar
  • 18.9k
4 votes

Use of Javascript Frameworks in Lightning Web Component

Salesforce has is a page dedicated to using SLDS with react: But the case for using ext. JS frameworks in LWC will be left to you. Although there may be tens ...
Prashanth K's user avatar
3 votes

Visualforce is not defined while using visual force remoting

You need to define a controller. Change: <apex:page showHeader="true" sidebar="true"> to: <apex:page controller="CaseDetailController" showHeader="true" sidebar="true">
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
3 votes

Redirecting to VF Page from Managed Package UI

The issue here is that when you're opening an unmanaged page from a Managed package, the platform is assuming the namespace of the managed package should also prefix your Visualforce page. So, for ...
Phil Hawthorn's user avatar
3 votes

Help understanding a bit of Visualforce code

Your question is really about AngularJS not Visualforce. See the Angular currency filter documentation; the first argument (after the first :) is the currency symbol and the second argument (after ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
3 votes

Is it possible to use Angular and still be Lightning ready?

If it is for lightning Ready badge for appexchange ,you do not need anything more except to use SLDS as a CSS skin .Take a look at this to understand what is lightning ready .It need not be true ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to use Angular and still be Lightning ready?

You can use Lightning Components as a container for your angular applications but not use any of the other functionality they provide. Using Lightning as a container instead of Visualforce gives you ...
dsharrison's user avatar
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3 votes

using Angular JS /REACT in LWC

Learning React or Angular will not directly help you learn LWC, nor will learning LWC help you learn these other two technologies. They are all just different enough that you'll find they are more ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
2 votes

What are security review's policy regarding apps that rely heavily on the REST API?

Many Apps on The Appexchange use the REST/SOAP API, and have no issues with the security review. We have the following requirements: Use an OAuth Token. Don't steal the user's session Id and ...
Robert Sussland's user avatar
2 votes

How to call a controller method from AngularJS

You can use javascript remoting function inside the Angular function:- $scope.my_tree_handler = function (branch,scope) { Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( "...
Ashwani's user avatar
  • 22.7k
2 votes

how to retrieve the values from sforce.connection.query

If you do not want records which have null in RenterOfVehicleRegDocument__c field. You can change the query filter as: var Accrecords = sforce.connection.query("SELECT OwnerOfVehicleRegDocument__r....
Ashwani's user avatar
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2 votes

Angular js change type of input box

Your page is getting all the rows changed to the same type because you are assigning the type to the app's scope instead of the row scope. Think of your row as an object. That object needs an ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
2 votes

How are lookup fields implemented with a 3rd party framework?

Answering more broadly, I think you'll get nothing but trouble trying to embed AngularJS attributes onto VisualForce elements. That doesn't mean you can't ever use AngularJS on a VF page, but they ...
Charles T's user avatar
  • 11.1k
2 votes

Angular JS in Lightning Component

In addition to Praveen's comment, I read some information in the ISV checklist guide that basically says that external MV* frameworks are not supported and will fail security review. Even if you don't ...
Jannis Bott's user avatar
2 votes

Issue while using wrapper class in angular js

If you want or need to work with AngularJS (or any other JS framework) I would suggest you to use Visualforce Remoting instead. With this approach you will have to manipulate the state of your data in ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
2 votes

Issue while using wrapper class in angular js

I have found it easier to use JSON. You can do something like the following in your Apex controller: String myWrappersJSON { get; private set; } // myWrappersJSON = JSON.serialize(contactWrapperList)...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
1 vote

Modern JavaScript Frameworks (Angular Js, React JS ) within LWC

Unfortunately you cannot use AngularJS, because AngularJS uses innerHTML to build its DOM, and the patched version of innerHTML in LWCs is "improved" so that it randomly and arbitrarily ...
kamezaburo's user avatar
1 vote

Using an angular build inside Salesforce

Yes you can using lightning:container. From the docs - lightning:container allows you to use an app developed with a third-party framework, such as AngularJS or React, in an Aura component. Upload ...
ManishG's user avatar
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1 vote

Which client side JS framework is best to work with Salesforce

I suggest that Salesforce's own client side JS framework the Lightning Component Framework should also be on your list. Those components can be presented in Classic via Lightning Out and knowledge ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
1 vote

Angular Static Resource Help

Cause: Vistualforce page was expecting /js/src/‌​js path while static resource giving the path as /tcrmCreditContact‌​Tabs/js/src/‌​js after uploading. Resolution: Zip files ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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1 vote

Rendering issues with ExtJS and Angular

For those who also noticed that the page becomes slow when using Visualforce Remoting, please check if you are using Chrome. I've tested the same page, doing the same thing, on Firefox, and it was a ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
1 vote

Angular JS within visualforce

Yes that is typical Angular code. Look for .js files included in the page and inside those you will find JavaScript used by the page. There is a lot more to Angular than those declarations: if you ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
1 vote

Reloading a controller variable with AngularJS

The expression: this.products = {!products_JSON}; will be translated into text by the server when the Visualforce page is first generated: this.products = [{...}, {....}, ...]; and then when that ...
Keith C's user avatar
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1 vote

AngularJS 4 on Visualforce Pages (or in Lightning Components)?

On using Angular within Lightning Components, the real gotcha is mentioned at the end of Christophe Coenraets's blog post Creating Lightning Components with React and taken from the security ...
Keith C's user avatar
  • 137k
1 vote

Security question related to using AngularJS in Visualforce for a callout

Its not recommended to use the username/pass on the client side. Instead what you can do is inject the Session Id and pass that instead. $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = '...
NSjonas's user avatar
  • 10.3k
1 vote

Security question related to using AngularJS in Visualforce for a callout

Please do Callouts from server side and once the response comes back pass them to Angular controllers and continue with processing.Its never secure to store passwords or secure information in ...
RedDevil's user avatar
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