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5 votes

2023 - Lightning Web Components and Angular

For a simple reduction in latency/load times, you need to deal with "Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation" (AOT) and "tree-shaking." Basically, Angular bundles tend to be large in size, ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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5 votes

Feasability of Angular2 in Salesforce (through VF page)

If you're still interested in creating an Angular 2 app on the Salesforce platform I may have a solution for you. I myself love Angular 2 and everything it brings to the table. My company also works ...
watzon's user avatar
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4 votes

Angular 2 and SFDC

If you're only planning on developing Angular in Visualforce, the task is fairly trivial. If you're trying to implement Angular in Lightning, the task is fairly complex. Static Resource Start by ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

SF Lightning and Angular (versions 7) -- Any concerns on the App Exchange

Here are the below things i would do to mitigate any risks Open an office hour with salesforce security team and walk down the design with them to see how they feel it. If you are partner then you ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

Calling a remote action in Angular

So the main problem is Merge fields only work in VF pages. If you check this line You have a merge ...
Avidev9's user avatar
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2 votes

Multiple Apex controllers in Angular app

That's what extensions are for. You can include as many extensions as you like on your page. This is great also for reusable code. <apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="ExtA,ExtB,...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Pass data to web component (angular 6) inside LWC (Lightning Web Component)

Also have faced this problem. This solution: my-custom-element.setAttribute('my-custom-prop', '{isWork: true}'); works for me. But have to add that my-custom-prop should be named starting with data: ...
Alexander Savickiy's user avatar
2 votes

Securely handle Salesforce Access token after OAth

You can't really stop the token from being used outside of your app. The appropriate response should be to secure the profile/permission sets/sharing settings in your org so that they can't access ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes

Angular JS in Lightning Component

In addition to Praveen's comment, I read some information in the ISV checklist guide that basically says that external MV* frameworks are not supported and will fail security review. Even if you don't ...
Jannis Bott's user avatar
2 votes

Angular App deployed on salesforce - login with community user

In javascript declare a global variable somewhere: var sessId = "{!$API.Session_Id}"; Then use that variable in your Angular2 App.
Jesse Milburn's user avatar
2 votes

How can i match second-last char of a string with RegEx

That would look something like this: let result = source.replace(/^(.*?).{2}(.{2})$/,'$1XX$2'); Where: () is a "capture group" ^ matches beginning of the string .*? matches as few ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

Avoiding Batching of Concurrent Remoting Calls with LCC.callApex in Salesforce

I have solved the issue ,I used the buffer option provided by LCC.callApex. This creates a separate request for each remoting call, preventing the Apex CPU limit from being reached prematurely. LCC....
Arkan Mansuri's user avatar
1 vote

Convert Angular 14 app into salesforce (VFpage or LWC)

Q1: Salesforce app should be normal vf-page or bolt app or other? You probably don't want a Lightning Bolt Solution, but you can easily embed an Angular app inside Visualforce, Aura, and Lightning ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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1 vote

SF Lightning and Angular (versions 7) -- Any concerns on the App Exchange

This is currently being done with the field service lightning app. If you install field service lightning you can see angular modules within the included static resources if you download them. Field ...
ebar's user avatar
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1 vote

Angular JS within visualforce

Yes that is typical Angular code. Look for .js files included in the page and inside those you will find JavaScript used by the page. There is a lot more to Angular than those declarations: if you ...
Keith C's user avatar
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1 vote

Salesforce with Angular Js

On b), in this case you need to notify Angular to run its digest cycle by adding: $scope.$apply(); to the end of the callback function you pass to angular3.getLead. This is because you are making ...
Keith C's user avatar
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