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Code code:"if (foo != bar)"
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This tag is for questions related to an interactive html page element that's event driven. A button uses either Ajax calls or JavaScript to initiate an Ajax Event of some kind, as defined in the page mark-up, when any of the following occur on the button: onblur, onclick, onfocus, onmousedown, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, or ondblclick.

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Error when using button - link to other

For some reason I can't get a URL to open from a button. I'm using a code to pull through the a URL from a data extension, each email recipient will receive a unique URL. … I can see that the code is working correctly as when I place the %%=V(@CouponCode)=%% field within the body copy I can see the unique URLs but when I use the %%=V(@CouponCode)=%% with the button content …
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