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Visualforce relates to questions where the Visualforce language or framework are concerned. This is primarily VF pages, components, PDF rendering, and email templates. This would only cross-over to Lightning where Lightning Out (Lightning for VF) or VF pages using SLDS or being used in LEX. Where a question relates to Apex invoked as part of a VF page, this tag would also be appropriate.

2 votes

HOW MANY RECORDS Display in VF it possible for 50000-100000 in single page

From My Notes: If you fetch directly such number of records through SOQL using ReadOnly annotation, it would take very long time that there would be a timeout related to remoteAction. Even i'm quite …
Mr.Frodo's user avatar
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2 votes

how can we say visualforce is a frame work?

Source From Visualforce Doc: Visualforce is the component-based user interface framework for the platform. The framework includes a tag-based markup language, similar to HTML. … Each Visualforce tag corresponds to a coarse or fine-grained user interface component, such as a section of a page, or a field. …
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2 votes

how to call remote action in javascript button without using vf page

Refer Davin Casey's answer in this thread You need to include js files also in your script to make it work and as Sneha has answered you have to declare the class as webservice. For eg. {!requireSc …
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0 votes

Adding a dialog on visualforce page

Dueling Picklist of SLDS is also worth looking. A dueling-picklist is used to move options between two lists and is often referred to as a multi-select. Sometimes, the list options can then b …
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5 votes

How to add Error in custom visualforce page and also rollback

Actually you can use Database.setSavePoint to rollback and show error message, Multiple users using same page shouldn't have any problem because every user has their own transaction: Savepoint dbSave …
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1 vote

Embedded Visualforce Button to Update Field

It is hard to see yeah.... function evp(); Notice the ; here. This one is not letting anything happen :P. Remove this and it will start working. Also on side note if this is the only thing you are …
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2 votes

Traversing Contacts though Account object Visualforce

My understanding is since for 1 Account you can have many Contacts i.e. one to many relationship This is the exact reason why you can't access child record from parent as they could be many and …
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1 vote

How is the <apex:iframe> Visualforce tag different from the standard <iframe> HTML tag?

true" id="theIframe"/> It renders into this: <iframe height="600px" id="theIframe" name="theIframe" src="" width="100%"></iframe> As Mukesh Verma has already commented that Visualforce … I haven't found any DOC which specifically compares the apex:iframe with iframe although here are several benefits of using Visualforce As far as i understand visualforce tags are higher level layer …
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2 votes

Redirect to Parent Detail Page After Updating Both Parent and Child Objects

ApexPages.currentPage() returns current page url. This would get back you to account detail page: PageReference result = new PageReference('/'+con.getId());
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1 vote

Get js value and display on visualfoce page

You have not connected apex:param with any controller side variable. <apex:param name="actprm" value="" /> ///Value parameter is not connected with any controller side variable. <apex:param name=" …
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0 votes

Get null values from map

I think this would be more optimized solution: for(MyDocument__c mdobj :[SELECT id,Category__c,(SELECT Id, Name, Description FROM Attachment) FROM MyDocument__c where id]){ if(!catAt …
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2 votes

"Text Area (Rich)" field on Event

From Doc: When creating Custom Fields for Activities, You will find that Rich Text and Long Text Area Fields are not available.This is expected functionality, at this time, you cannot choose t …
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6 votes

How can we find deleted class in sandbox?

See this: Is it possible to recover a deleted trigger or class? Currently, it is not possible to recover a deleted triggers or classes. However, you can retrieve the deleted class or trigger …
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1 vote

validation rule should not fire for the Manager of the Opportunity Owner

You have to add one more condition(With && condition). Owner.Manager.Id <> $User.Id It says if the manager of the owner of opportunity is not equal to the id of the user then apply validation rul …
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0 votes

Pagination Using Iterator Limit

EDIT: Well my previous answer only works for limited number of records.So i searched it a little and i found this nice answer by sfdcfox. check this out: Workaround for Offset 2000 limit on SOQL Qu …
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