I have an lwc action button that loads the popup. When i load the component for first time, recordId is present. But when i close and open it again(without reloading the whole page), recordId is lost. Kindly advise export default class EmeaSubmitEvalRequest extends LightningElement { @api recordId; constructor(){ super(); console.log('constrcu',this.recordId);//not printed at all } connectedCallback(){ console.log('connected recid',this.recordId);//not printed at all } @wire(invokeMuleService) getDropdownOptions({error,data}){ if(data){ this.defaultValues(); } } @api async defaultValues(){ console.log('recid',this.recordId); **//NEED RECORD ID HERE ANYHOW** await fetchExistingValues({evalId:this.recordId}).then((result)=>{ if(result){ ... some logic } }) }