When a method has a non-`void` return type, you're responsible for ensuring that all code paths are terminated by a `return` statement. 

In this case, your `switch` statement prescribes the return value for a specific set of logic paths, but the compiler can't guarantee that the condition will be true. You need to provide a `return` statement (it can be `return null;`) to ensure that a return value is provided should your condition not execute. This is true regardless of the logical construct being used (it's not unique to the `switch` construct).

To use a simple example, the following is not allowed, because the compiler cannot guarantee that a return value will be provided:

    public static Object retVal(String input) {
        switch on input {
            when 'Test' {
                return true;

This is one way to make it legal, using `when else` to cover any case not already handled by a `when` block:

    public static Object retVal(String input) {
        switch on input {
            when 'Test' {
                return true;
            when else {
                return false;

That guarantees that there will be a return value, regardless of the logical path followed and regardless of the input parameter.

Another way to deal with the issue is to place a simple `return` statement after the `switch`. This applies equally to other logical constructs.

    public static Object retVal(String input) {
        switch on input {
            when 'Test' {
                return true;
        return false;