The Attachment Trigger is not firing for *before insert* and *after insert* events when attachments are added via the UI (Related to Tasks) in Winter 14 Sandbox, is this a bug? I've reviewed the known issues site and couldn't find anything similar. However, I did find others having issues with this same Trigger in the past (some reporting that the issue was resolved?). Can anyone shed some light on this? Here is a quick example for before insert: Apex Trigger: trigger Attachment_Trigger on Attachment (before insert) { if(Trigger.isBefore) { if(Trigger.isInsert) { Attachment_BI_Add_Test.testChanges(; } } } Apex Class: public class Attachment_BI_Add_Test { public static void testChanges(Attachment[] newAttachments) { for(Attachment a : newAttachments) { = 'test'; a.Description = 'test'; } } } Other resources found with similar issues: - [][1] - [][2] - [][3] I've also checked the docs for operations that don't invoke triggers however, attachments are not mentioned: - [][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: